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Collections (12)

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Youth Voices on Culture & Identity TakingITGlobal recently partnered with Adobe on the Youth Voices Project , which included running workshops in ten different countries: Argentina, Brazil, Canada, China, Egypt, Mali, Kenya, Russia, South Africa, and Sweden. During these workshops youth discussed and created images focused on Culture & Identity. These are the unique...
Youth Voices- Brazil - Culture & Identity
Youth Voices - China - Culture & Identity
Youth Voices - Argentina - Culture & Identity
Youth Voices - Egypt - Culture & Identity
Youth Voices - Canada - Culture & Identity
Youth Voices - Sweden - Culture & Identity
Youth Voices - Mali - Culture & Identity
Youth Voices - South Africa - Culture & Identity
Youth Voices - Kenya - Culture & Identity
Youth Voices - Russia - Culture & Identity

Submissions (23)

Thumbnail Title Description Artist Medium Rating
HIV has no Identity This photograph shows two individuals who do not fall into the stereotypical categories of people living with HIV/AIDS. The black headbands around the eyes emphasize how HIV/AIDS has no eyes, and can affect any group, country, family and relationship. It is not simply a disease ‘over there’. Another thing that the black headbands emphasize is...
Photography, Colour
Culture & Identity
arq Photography, Colour
Woody the Canadian Beaver I closely identify myself with a beaver, a national symbol of Canada. As the story below reflects, I often feel like I am a beaver for its many unique characteristics. This is a story about Woody, which reflects my upbringing and identity. Woody isn’t your ordinary beaver. He is proud to call Canada home and enjoys gnawing away at all sorts of...
Tags: beaver, paper, identity, canada, symbol, character
artrageous Sculpture
I am a Beaver Call it a self-portrait; I believe that I am a beaver. I strongly identify myself as sharing similar traits to a beaver. Before jumping into this piece, I listed a bunch of qualities of a beaver. As the list got longer and longer, I was beginning to convince myself that I was closely associated with this animal that was known for its hard work,...
Tags: beaver, ceramic, clay, trees, portrait, identity, ontario
artrageous Sculpture
Beaver Self Portrait I am inspired largely by the “natural” world. Throughout my work, I tend to explore the relationship between the natural and built environment. During my years as an undergrad, I have come to associate myself with a beaver. My love for the Canadian wilderness, interest in outdoor adventure, hard work ethic, craftiness, openness to challenges,...
Tags: beaver, portrait, tail, teeth, camping, canoeing, glasses, natural, identity
artrageous Painting, Acrylic
My Culture My Identity As much as young people have a great deal to learn from the culture of our people, the culture of our people has to conform to our culture and become truly our identity. Culture is the people’s way of life, but when this definition not agreeing with young people's views, young people redefine your own culture, your own identity!
ekwuruke Computer Graphics
Identity This drawing depicts the multiple identities and roles of a woman. One woman can have a vast array of identities - mother, daughter, wife, sister, neighbour, friend, employee, lover... Each identity will be different than the other. Hence the richness of a woman.
Fadun Drawing, Pencil-crayon
Lost Identity I didn't put this picture together. I found the chinese identity card and the cigarette butt like this on a street in Nanjing.
Franziska Photography, Black and White
Chinese-American Through the lens of an everyday event---eating spaghetti---this work captures the unique experiences of my immigrant family. While the younger generation often assimilates, the older generation clings to its history and heritage, creating a clash of cultural identities.
Tags: culture, family, heritage, identity, chopsticks, food, spaghetti, fork, home, dad, son, dinner
GraceJin Painting, Oil
Chinese-American Through the lens of an everyday event---eating spaghetti---this work captures the unique experiences of my immigrant family. While the younger generation often assimilates, the older generation clings to its history and heritage, creating a clash of cultural identities.
Tags: culture, family, heritage, identity, chopsticks, food, spaghetti, fork, home, dad, son, dinner
GraceJin Painting, Oil