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Collections (335)

Thumbnail Title Description
Developing Connections, Competencies, and Creativity
Capturing Community "What does your community mean to you?" We're calling all friends of #RisingYouth to submit a piece of visual art that answers that question. Visual art can include painting, drawing, pastels, digital illustration, photography, chalk etc. The submission must be good quality, static image of your artwork. e.g. if you painted...
Creativity in Quarantine The COVID-19 pandemic has definitely altered our day to day lives, as we’ve transformed our in-person gatherings into virtual get-togethers. As we’re adjusting to this new normal, many things may have sparked our creativity which has become an outlet of well-being and self-expression. We invite your imagination, voice and perspective on...
$125 Off SiteWide + Free Shipping on mattress and couch of Nolah Sleep store only at reecoupons Reecoupons is the well-known shopping site, shown the online shopping coupons and deals on the products . There are tons of valuable discount offers are available, now they are offering discount on mattresses. click on:
TakingITGlobal’s #Decarbonize Artists for Change S.O.S for The for life, from the School of Early Childhood Education. Marta Abreu University of Las Villas in Cuba is aimed at recognizing the orientation work of the new generation in teacher training. The collection expresses he artistic work of the students for the protection of the oceans, the mitigation of climate change and the work for...
TakingITGlobal’s #Decarbonize Artists for Change The S.O.S. for life, from the School of Early Childhood Education. Marta Abreu University of Las Villas in Cuba is aimed at recognizing the orientation work of the new generation in teacher training. The collection expresses the artistic work of the students for the protection of the oceans, the mitigation of climate change and the work for...
Voyage humanitaire Voyage humanitaire is a part of mission humanitaire in which solidarity trips are conducted by Shammesh. These trips give a different experience like traveling by placing nature, villagers and local traditions at the heart of a humanitarian trip. Voyage humanitaire is the best option to provide your passion for serving the poor people, where one...
Unbeatable Pricing & parts On-Site Garage Door Repair Los Angeles Unbeatable Pricing & parts On-Site Garage Door Repair Los Angeles B&H Garage Door Repair Los Angeles 342 Hauser Blvd #135 Los Angeles 90036 (424)230-7018 Garage Door repair Los Angeles Garage door repair Encino Gate repair Los Angeles Garage door repair Sherman Oaks Garage Door Repair Santa Monica #LosAngeles #Encino #garagedoors...
Climate Change and Cities - Youth Art CALL FOR ART Join youth from across the planet in envisioning climate friendly cities by sharing your artistic perspective of the city you would want to live. Contribute your vision along with students from across the planet as they share artistic opinion on climate change and civic engagement for the Intergovernmental Panel on...
Scifikids | Augmented Reality India | Innovare Augmented Reality is a technology that merges your physical environment with digitally produced information of the object you see through your camera.
National Child Day Art Exhibition November 20th is National Child Day.  Each year, this day is celebrated in Canada and around the world to commemorate the United Nations’ adoption of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) in 1989.     The UNCRC spells out a full list of human rights to which all children under the age of 18 are entitled, including...
Cloud-based business intelligence in IT projects execution Headquartered in Hyderabad, Nexiilabs is a global IT consulting provider offering Quality engineering and Test automation services and DevOps solutions, leading to a streamlined customer experience.
From Residential Schools to Reconciliation: A Celebration of Art & Writing As part of Alberta’s Project of Heart, students from across the province are invited to share their writings and artwork that depict their understanding of the people of Alberta’s journey towards reconciliation. The celebration is open to grades 1 to 12. Participants may submit works of art, poetry, film, video or writings in this celebration....
Community Red Cross Youth Helping in times of disaster
Virtual Reality Interactive Application Development & Solutions Some of the completed project of Virtual Reality Interactive Application Development & Solutions by YantramStudio.
3D Architectural Exterior Rendering CGI Design Some of the completed project of 3D Exterior Architectural Design and Animation by Yantram Studio.
visit Hong Kong Science Park
Unit 2: Toronto - Jesse Ketchum Ms. Dunne
APC-Dong Nai Visits Sustainable Cafe
Unit 2: Ljubljana
Unit 2 Project: Paris Ecole Manuel
Unit 2 Project: London Keys Meadow
Mumbai Unit 2 Project
NYC P.S. 160 Unit 2 Project (Ms. Fox)
Ho Chi Minh City Unit 2 Project
Paris Unit 2 Project
Hong Kong Unit 2 Project: Advertisement
Tokyo Visits NYC
Sustainability Gallery
Sustainability Games
Sustainability Games
Sustainability Games
Unit 3 Project: Sustainable Classroom
Sustainability Games
Global City Spotlight
Global City Spotlight
Global City Spotlight
Global City Spotlight
Global City Spotlight
Global City Spotlight
Adobe Youth Voices Celebrates Global Dignity Day 2014 On October 15th TakingITGlobal and Adobe Youth Voices will be participating in Global Dignity Day! Global Dignity Day brings together role models from around the world to inspire and encourage students to make dignified, positive, and inclusive life choices as they develop into their best selves. The goal of this year's event is to instill...
Growing investment opportunities for medical professionals The medical fraternity in India has never had a single window opportunity to invest smartly in real estate. Considering the round the clock professional commitments they keep, they rarely get the time to look at real estate as a critical component of their service offering - that can help take their services to new residential & business...
Jackie Robinson NYC - Script Writing
Global City Spotlight
Digital Launch
Our Green Club celebrates International Day for Biological Diversity (IDB) 2014 Our Green Club celebrates International Day for Biological Diversity (IDB) 2014 Celebrating International Day for Biological Diversity (IDB) on May 22nd 2014, our Green Club at The Universal American School chose to plant three Ficus baby trees. Ficus is a wide-spreading evergreen tree with curtains of aerial roots, shiny grey-green and...
United youth for world peace I am a project coordinator of United Youth for World Peace.
Water Deficit Activities
Security Housekeeping Technical Staff Services in Chandigarh Ranger Services have expertise in various services such as Security Analysis for Organizations, Guarding, Household Services, Hospitality Services, Event Management, Contract labour services & Others staffing solution. information #PLOT No - 40, Kamla market, Phase-1,Mohali (P.B) - 160055 +91 8699299911, 9816461001
Perspectives: Igniting Creative Confidence In 2013, TakingITGlobal engaged over 3000 youth in 37 countries in creating digital media pieces about their issues, their communities, their dreams and their demands. Youth from around the world dealt with topics that were important to them, some called for action, while others called attention to an issue. This year we saw a number of...
Intervener Unit
Story vs. Reality
Story vs. Reality
Story vs. Reality
Story vs. Reality
Global City Spotlight
Global City Spotlight
Global City Spotlight
Global City Spotlight
Adobe Youth Voices Celebrates Global Dignity Day 2013 On October 16th TakingITGlobal and Adobe Youth Voices will be participating in Global Dignity Day! Global Dignity Day brings together role models from around the world to inspire and encourage students to make dignified, positive, and inclusive life choices as they develop into their best selves. The goal of this year's event is to...
New York City
Digital Launch
Sustainability Games
Global City Spotlight
Global City Spotlight
The Art of Recycling Italy
داربلانكا راديو مجتمعي على الإنترنيت Darblanca Community Webradio Station داربلانكا راديو مجتمعي على الإنترنيت Darblanca Community Webradio Station
Possible theater sites near Birch Cliff
My favourite garden (France)
Our Organic Garden (Italy)
Organic Garden Italy 2
Unit 3 - London
Taradale unit 3 Projects
Chelsea GPJr Kids Visit the Lenox Lounge
Community Stories Collage
Climate Summit 2013 Photos
Unit 3 Projects
the skit The theters in bombay are modern some old theters are also in use. The national indian dance is Bharatnatiyam
Unit 3: Sets & Costumes
Favourite City Places - Toronto
Our Favorite Places
Activities Photos
The White Tiger--Creating a Set Design
Unit 3 Design is a process_HCMC_6A6
Unit 2 storyboards 7A1
Unit 2 Project Storyboards Paris
Skyping with Warsaw
Theatres in my city
Dogs' celebrities
2012 US Winning Team Visits Turkey
Water quality studies
Theater in Ho Chi Minh City
London City
GP Junior 2012 Exhibition
Dublin City
Global City Spotlight
Global City Spotlight
Global City Spotlight
Global City Spotlight
Global City Spotlight
Global City Spotlight
It's Art! Shoe Gallery
Global City Spotlight
Unit 1 Project: Impact Action Plan
Our visit to the High Line
Unit 1: Inwood Library Impact Action Plan
Parkchester Unit 1 Project: Save the Plants
Global City Spotlight
Global City Spotlight
Digital Launch
2012 Transit
Downtown Quito A view of what downtown Quito has to offer. Quito is considered one of the World's Heritage Capital, reality is not as nice at it looks though, because the amazing colonial and post-colonial structures are surrounded by a general lack of culture and poverty. Quito is the capital of a country full of contrasts.
Sydney our global city
Pawsome Pets Unit 3 Project
Unit 3 Project- R+D Laboratory: Peakhurst South- 'Pawsome Pets'
Unit 4 Project from Taradale Primary
Philippines: Favourite Place
Philippines: Portraits
Philippines: Favourite Possession
Unit 2 Project: Skateboard Supply Chain
Dublin Unit 2 Project
4Prudy Self Portraits
4Harrison Self Portraits
BORNEO, March 2012 (Photos posted by Willie Smits)
8th Grade Visits DLab at MIT
Brittany- Berkeley Carroll
Unit 1 Project by Brana jazyku (Prague)
Organic Garden Italy 2
Our Organic Garden (Italy)
Johannesburg Teachers Visit NYC!
Hansborough - Unit 2 Proj
There for Haiti The “There for Haiti” International Video Conference invites you to submit artwork that demonstrates how young Canadians, from the Pacific to the Arctic to the Atlantic Oceans, are “There for Haiti.” In addition to sharing your work on the online Global Gallery, a select group of students will have the opportunity to share what their art means...
Communities around the world
Perspectives: Our Communities, Our World In 2011, TakingITGlobal engaged nearly 3,000 youth in 18 countries in creating multimedia pieces about their communities, their issues, their hopes, and their demands. Each media piece is unique and has a distinct youth voice. Some call for action, while others call attention to an issue. Some tell stories about a community, a person, or a...
A Community of Kindness
unit one
Field Trips and Activities
Unit 1 Projects!
Global City Spotlight
Unit 1 Projects
Unit 1 Projects
Global City Spotlight
Motherwell Heritage Centre
Heritage of the Libyan People's Set of images that show some scenes from the life of old and traditional costumes of our ancestors in the past
Editorial Cartoons
Global City Spotlight
Global-Dignity-Day Some people are born into affluence and some are born into poverty, but all lives hold equal value because each person has the potential to create positive change. Whether we realize it or not, our lives are interconnected with others. Therefore, ensuring that an individual is able to live a dignified life with access to education, healthcare,...
Eco-Warrior Tom Smith's DFA Gallery
Peruvian project - Previous activities
My Films About Community Building I am really passionate about community and peace building. Here are some of my videos about my local and international actions. I have also included random vids from little fundraiser projects. A wide range here.
Arancini (Italian Rice Balls)
Unit 4 work completed
Roland Jackson agitates that The fight for a better world. peace talk is a great weapon Roland Jackson agitates that The fight for a better world. peace talk is a great weapon Guns into the sahara desert belt, who sponsored the rebels for years, was the money robbed by rebels and terrorist has been use as scholarship, these weapon are they traced to the 47 round code once own by Osama bin ladin. does these weapon comes in through...
Chichen Itza The pictures I took when I went to Mexico and saw the Chicken Itza ruins built by the Mayan civilization.
Prague: Unit 4 Project
Save Orangutan - Project Borneo 3D by Dino Fitriza Orangutan is Critically endangered. Only 6,600 sumatran orangutan and 40,000 to 50,000 borneo orangutan in the wild today. Deforestation threaten Orangutan habitat. Project Borneo 3D the movie is a project to save orangutan and borneo rainforest from destruction. Support me in Project Borneo 3D the movie.
Budapest traditional foods
Tony Dapolito - Final Project Plans
Creating Your Tree Banding Kits
Dublin Food in our city!
DeforestAction Publicity Publicity raised for DeforestAction and the Project Borneo competition
Unit 3: Dig In project by Keys Meadow
Thea Visits From NY
Tony Dapolito - Unit 3 Project "Plant House"
Cathedral Primary : Unit 4 work
Unit 3: Green Spaces
Unit 3: Roof Gardens in London
Dublin Ireland - Green Space Visit
Unit 3 Projects Plans
Group 4 - Tianna & Jordan - Faith & Deanna
Unit 4: Local Food
Unit 4: Local Food
Unit 4: Local Food
Ithaca College
LONDON Unit 3: Native Species
TIG @ The United Nations Climate Change Conference
LONDON Unit 1: Impact Action Plan- Efficiency
Covenant University
Whitelees Insect Boxes
TIG @ The United Nations Climate Change Conference
TIG @ The United Nations Climate Change Conference
Whitelees Primary Nature Garden
TIG @ The United Nations Climate Change Conference
Historic Tornado Hit NYC Fall 2010
Scottish Parliament Building Visit
Scottish Parliament Visit
Glasgow Caledonian University building visit
Unit 3: Green Spaces in NYC
TIG @ The United Nations Climate Change Conference
Unit 1 Project from Rutgers: Improving our Garden!
Political/Artistic Posters & Cartoons (Palestinian)
TIG @ The United Nations Climate Change Conference
Unit 3: Native Species Pictures
Unit 3: Roof Garden Plans
Unit 3: Roof Garden Plans
Unit 3: Native Species Pictures
Unit 3: Roof Garden Plans
Unit 2 Buildings
Unit 1 Projects: Our Impact Action Plans
Unit 1 Projects: Our Impact Action Plans
Unit 2: Buildings
Unit 2: Buildings
Unit 2: Buildings
Unit 2: Buildings!
Unit 2: BUILDING Visits
Tony Dapolito Halloween
Editorial Cartoons
Morocco Teacher Visits McConnell
Université des Sciences et de la Technologie Houari Boumedienne Université des Sciences et de la Technologie Houari Boumedienne Depuis la création de l’USTHB, plus de cent mille etudiants sont passés sur les bancs de Bab-Ezzouar. Aujourd’hui, une communauté de prés de vingt-cinq mille personnes vit sur le campus, une vingtaine de milliers d’étudiants, plus mille cinq cent enseignants, autant de...
Capitão Sérgio Canais de Comunicação do Pimenta
Tony Dapolito - Spa So Special
Haiti Reconstruction
Clean Me Quick buisness for Howard Community Center
Rainforests of British Colombia, Canada
Biodiverisity travelling around
My favourite garden (France)
company quality techno seeds‎ ‎MM ‎Hamouda Ahmed‎‎ ‎MM Hamouda Ahmed Hamouda Ahmed Hamouda Ahmed MM Hamouda Ahmed‎‎ Picasa Web Albums - magedhamouda70 Photos by magedhamouda70‎ LINKS with pictures of all the research by MAGED HAMOUDA From Egypt ‎company quality techno seeds‎ EGYPT MAGED HAMOUDA : WORKS breeder Field Crops...
Haiti This set contains images from Haiti and the rebuilding of a nation.
Ridgewood Unit 3 Graphs
DO GOOD For the demolition of poverty In the existing of our life, I think we must do something good. Don't hesitate to DO GOOD, This world is full of plights people …
sky is the limit ***
The United Nations and Youth The United Nations has been in existence for more than 20 years and there are more than 190 countries members of the United Nations. The UN stands for peaceful settlement of conflicts, sustainable development, human rights protection and the Kyoto Protocol. What does the UN mean to you and how do you see the youth connected to the UN?
Tony Dapolito @ Bleecker Bob's
Youth Voices on Culture & Identity TakingITGlobal recently partnered with Adobe on the Youth Voices Project , which included running workshops in ten different countries: Argentina, Brazil, Canada, China, Egypt, Mali, Kenya, Russia, South Africa, and Sweden. During these workshops youth discussed and created images focused on Culture & Identity. These are the unique...
HIV/AIDS Digital Quilt Contest HIV/AIDS Digital Quilt Contest!! With 50% of new HIV transmissions taking place amongst 15-24 year olds…we need to CONNECT with each other to EMPOWER ourselves and make CHANGE….. Project Stitch is a youth focused HIV awareness project brought to you by AIDS Vancouver and YouthCO AIDS Society. We are looking for submissions from creative...
Urban Sustainability: Frame Your City A city is an infinite collage of spaces that are constantly in transit and motion. Gaps often go unnoticed and build a new landscape that is blurry and out of focus. The ‘urban’ lives and breathes in between these gaps, relations between places and people, that also often go unnoticed. It is all periphery put in focus only by our gaze, as...
5 Years of TakingITGlobal: I AM TakingITGlobal Has TIG become a part of your day to day life? Have we become ‘inseparable’ after 5 years? The purpose of this photo contest is simple. We want you to take TIG with you. Take TIG with you on the highway, on the subway, mountain climbing, to the beach, to the top of the Eiffel tower, anywhere! Just print the specially-made contest sign “I AM...
Cities: Street Life Thousands of cities. Millions of streets. Billions of people. Similar fragments reveal "The City", unveiling its streets and stretching skyscrapers that seem alike to the eye, marking a culture and its social fusion. There is one detail that defines each city, and embodies each of its corners, making a space singular to the heart. New...
Virtual Citizenship, Real Safety The internet is a place to explore, a mode of communication, a source of information. Many people find and thrive along the information highway, rounds its curves and linkages. Others find a venue for expression and nodes to give voice to their opinions and creative thoughts. People go online to find the latest news, download media and link to...
Disability: Belonging to the Body In conjunction with TakingITGlobal's Featured Theme on Disability, the Global Gallery invites submissions on the body and disability. The purpose of this collection is to raise consciousness on the representation of disability in society and to showcase the work of artists with disabilities. Artists are encouraged to subvert...
Hidden Realities For July 2003's theme of Understanding Poverty, the Global Gallery ran a contest, entitled "Hidden Realities". Every day millions of people run around the planet to go to school, drink a glass of water, eat at an exotic restaurant, read a newspaper, buy a book, kiss their partner, build a future, watch the news, find a job,...
Life As You Know It The theme for the month of March 2003 at TakingITGlobal was Cultural Diversity. The Global Gallery was running a contest to promote the visual expression of this theme. "Life As You Know It" called for artwork that expressed life as you know it in your community, city or country. We wanted our members to help to encourage Cultural...
World Youth Day [University Caf Welcome to the World Youth Day University Cafe! We will feature a relaxed venue where host regions from around the world will present discussions, music, drama in order to highlight the student and campus reality of that region.
Youth Voices- Brazil - Culture & Identity
Youth Voices - China - Culture & Identity
Youth Voices - Argentina - Culture & Identity
Youth Voices - Egypt - Culture & Identity
Youth Voices - Canada - Culture & Identity
Youth Voices - Sweden - Culture & Identity
Youth Voices - Mali - Culture & Identity
Youth Voices - South Africa - Culture & Identity
Youth Voices - Kenya - Culture & Identity
Youth Voices - Russia - Culture & Identity
Russia: Children and Youth Creativity Center, Chernogorsk
Russia: 'I Paint My World and Give It to You' На протяжении пяти лет в г. Новозыбкове, Брянской области проводится фестиваль детского и юношеского художественного творчества "Я рисую свой мир и дарю его вам". Сайт фестиваля: Организаторы этого конкурса: общественная организация "Радимичи-детям Чернобыля" г.Новозыбкова (Брянская область)...
Russia: Moscow Technical Institute Ежегодно в Москве проводится выставка произведений специальности «Дизайн» Московского государственного института электроники и математики (МГИЭМ). В экспозиции представляются работы живописи и графики, скульптуры, прикладного искусства и фотографии. Информацию о нашем институте и проводимом фестивале можно найти на сайте...
Russia: Children and Youth Creativity Center, Tambov The works in this collection were created by young people from small towns and villages in the Tambov region, Russia. The art classes they study in are affiliated with the Children and Youth Creativity Center (Dvorets Tvorchestva Detey i Molodezhi), which is located in the city of Tambov and attracts young artists from all over the region. In...
Russia: School Ecological Initiative, Gatchina, St. Petersburg This collection features art work from the Interregional ecological movement «Gatchina –– Gatchina region –St-Petersburg – Kronshtadt» (The Program «School ecological initiative») located in Gatchina, Russia. The main activity of the organization is environmental education and awareness-raising. From 1995, the organization holds art...
Creativity Workshop @ A Stroke of Art Artworks from Creativity Workshop at A Stroke of Art
Voice of Tranquility Creativity
Voice of Tranquility Creativity
Voice of Tranquility Creativity
Voice of Tranquility Creativity
Voice of Tranquility Creativity
Voice of Tranquility Creativity
Voice of Tranquility Creativity
It's a beautiful life This collection captures my traveling experience to Tanzania, Africa. There is such beauty in it's simplicity, such life in its color, and such joy in their faces.
Portraits Art This exhibit about painted portraits by using the photoshop and others effects work .
Global Cities An artistic conglomoration of cities from all over the world I am introducing the Global cities gallery. This is a mixture of cities from all over the world. See for yourself. Can you figure it out?
we are not the minority, are we??? Does the poorest also have a voice? how come people talk about humam rights or humanaty with one hand in their pocket and other one in their interest? I'm confused because I can't understand the people whom call themselves human but do am I the only one? As a wise man once said; 'more of i think of a man more I like my dog'.
Exhibit Title: Describe your Exhibit:
Exhibit Title: Describe your Exhibit:
SPHERE HOUSE HABITAT HABITAT-Workshop "SPHERE HOUSE". THE STEP for sustainability. We have found one of the branch of the Milky Way spiral-spiral galaxy. The Material and energy in journey in spirals. It Is Encoded in our nature DNA. Using spiral principle DNA for design of the houses. The Priority Project-author of the patent in 1991 "Folding...
Ending Impunity for Violence against Women Thursday 8 March was celebrated as the International Women’s Day. The theme for this year’s celebrations was Ending Impunity for Violence against Women For many of us, this theme may strike a cord in our core nerves. We have either experienced, witnessed or been affected by violence against women in our society. According to Dr. Sam Thenya,...
Des portraits Beaucoup de gens n'aiment pas se faire prendre en photo. Mais je ne suis pas une photographe commerciale, mais une artiste engagée et passionnée. C'est donc pourquoi un photoshoot ne dure pas que quelques minutes, assis sur un bancs, mais plutôt des heures à s'amuser avec le sujet, de sortes à vraiment pouvoir capturer l'âme...
Varanasi: The Eternal City Varanasi, Hinduism's holiest city, lies on the banks of the Ganges and has a recorded history of over 3,000 years. This exhibit tries to capture the magic of the city.
Joel's Exhibit This Exhibit here is to get the message through pictures of how people, esspecially young people appreciate life and live to tugle issues and improve the standard of life and creat a happy living environment for all human kind.
Egyptianity This exhibit is dedicated to the pictures me and my sister have shot in different parts of Egypt.
Images of A Better Community For All (ABC4All) What would make your personal community better for all? Answer to this question always comes from the person asked. ABC4All shares info. You decide!
Title? ...describe?
DCAT's Online! Directed Consumerism With Automatic The "Living Logo" of ABC4All symbolizes the future matching/doubling of all charitable contributions throughout the world. Please consider adding a photo that can accompany the ABC4All Living Logo in this gallery!
Bangalore: India's Garden City Bangalore is known the world over as India's Information Technology Capital. However, long before the information technology boom, the city was a military cantonment and a pensioner's paradise. Despite all the economic activity, the city has a relaxed and easy-going feel. It is full of gardens and parks and has some lovely architecture...
Bangalore City Market Bangalore's City Market is a wholesale flower market that is open from 6 am till stocks run out. All sorts of flowers are available in the market from roses to marigolds and chrysanthemums. Bangalore accounts for close to 70% of India's total flower production. The flowers grown around the city are said to have extra colour and a...
Tural Aliyev's Exhibition This is my personal exhibition about the pictures that I took in different places. Every picture in my exhibition have some kind of meaning for me and hope for you as well.
It's Been Hyggeligt ! "Oh! To be Danish", an essay, was the first thing I read about Denmark prior my exciting experience to it, at that time.. I could only know it by name.. 'Danmark' where the story of "Hamlet" took place. I had had no certain expectations about something I had very few knowledge about, don't remember being...
The tiny little pieces of the world These are just the pieces of the world surrounding me. Caught by accident, they are often the only remnants of what my eyes got to see...
Urban Ubiquitous Every day of the week I walk this stretch of road to go study, and sometimes I can't help but to think that it will be this stretch of road that will become the focus of my urban studies. The people that live on it, those ghostly faces staring out at me from their rugged porches, the pizza man throwing up his dough, the sagging eyes looking...
It's never too late to dream!!! let show our dream that we need it like a need for hug coming from deep inside. Believe that you special, you are unique in your own way like bread in middle of table. protect and you will never be alone!!! Please keep dreaming even when you are last of us!
Untitled pain
Untitled The human figure has always been an interesting subject. I can't think of another subject that has so much passion, intensity, and emotion. This exhibit is the human form in it's most raw form. I hope you like it.
Ajay's Favourite City: Vladivostok Vladivostok has everything from beautiful streets and architecture, panoramic sea views from hills, an excellent port and harbour, cultural attractions and beautiful nature. See for yourself, why I love this city more than any other!
My Exhibition; Come And See. This collection shows part of my work that i had presented as a fulfilment to my first year degree in architecture at the university of Nairobi.
Untitled why so much modern surveillance?
Portaits A woman is not only beautiful for her lucious hair and her fine lines. What makes her special is the light in her eyes, the lightness of her movements, and the sweetness in her words. These, are all part of the conquest of she who reflects, creates, fights and grows. Every woman is beautiful for the many gifts she sacredly hides inside her, and...
mountain respite
Digital Creations A series of digitally manipulated photos, and digital creations.
Black & White Photography I love it, and I have so much I decided to make an exhibit. Enjoy! :)
city inspiration from my city "chandigarh"
Love . Peace . Unity Have a moment of rest, peace in your heart... let your soul fly with joy --- *welcome* to my digital photo exhibition...
exhibition An old friend, now an Australian.
Untitled oil on canvas. 2004. still motion picture. 6ft by 5ft
Calamity series of calamity that befell the nation has claimed the life of over 400 Nigeria's.
pink maggit taking your oxigen away..
Black and White Film Photography A series of Black and White photo's shot from 2003-2004. All developed and processed in the darkroom at my school. Includes a wide variety of subject matter.
Universities This exhibition is the place where students can publish pictures of their universities
Jarra McGrath - General Exhibit, 2000 - 2003
Untitled Lament

Submissions (3226)

Thumbnail Title Description Artist Medium Rating
"Food Sustainability and its links between climate change & agriculture" Sustainable food isn’t only about the food itself. It’s a combination of factors including how the food is produced, how it’s distributed, how it’s packaged and how it’s consumed. Therefore, it aims to avoid damaging or wasting natural resources. In this artwork, it shows how food sustainability conditions our agriculture and climate. My artwork...
Tags: climate change, food sustainability, agriculture, mother earth, art
1zy_cntlp Drawing, Pencil-crayon
"From Heritage Village"
brighteyes999 Painting, Watercolour
wallofart Mixed Media
wallofart Mixed Media
wallofart Mixed Media
wallofart Mixed Media
wallofart Mixed Media
02.Untitled Artist Shefqet Avdush Emini Oil painting on vanvas Figurative abstract expressionism
shefqetemini Painting, Oil
04.Untitled Artist Shefqet Avdush Emini Oil painting on canvas 50cmx40cm Figurative abstract expressionism
shefqetemini Painting, Oil
05.Untitled Artist Shrefqet Avdush Emini Oil painting on canvas 100cmx80cm Figurative abstract expressionism
shefqetemini Painting, Oil