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Collections (12)

Thumbnail Title Description
Scifikids | Augmented Reality India | Innovare Augmented Reality is a technology that merges your physical environment with digitally produced information of the object you see through your camera.
Fotokids An illustration against the racism, women violence,
Fun Recycled Fashion. Year 4 kids from Spain
Fun Recycled Fashion. Year 4 kids from Spain
Chelsea GPJr Kids : Defend the Forest Storyboards
Chelsea GPJr Kids : Defend the Forest
Chelsea GPJr Kids Act-Out The Monkey and the Crocodile
Chelsea GPJr Kids Visit the Lenox Lounge
Kids Teaching Kids
RAP Kids All About Me
RAP Kids

Submissions (41)

Thumbnail Title Description Artist Medium Rating
How Much Time We Had ??!! 2 kids watching the future and wondering how much time we had to face this !!
Tags: climate change, global warming, warm, sun, bad weather, kids, wonder, how
butterfly30 Collage
Fotokids/Valeria illustration, respect, dignity.
Tags: illustration, respect, dignity, guatemala.
evelynmansilla Collage
Country kids Golden muddy memories.
Laurece Photography, Colour
A Handout is Not A Handup A jeep breaks down in East Africa. Tourists hand out a short term solution, and return to the car, never to return.
Tags: africa, rwanda, human rights, kids, crackers
ravijrocks Photography, Black and White
Granny and kids
kwessy Photography, Black and White
My old man and kids
kwessy Photography, Black and White
kwessy Photography, Colour
KIDS AT SCHOOL FUTUREKIDS ensures that all children have access to the latest applications and equipment in the rapidly changing world of information technology.
choyg8 Painting, Oil
Kids Outside These photos depict the work Leben und Lernen in Kenia (Live and Learn in Kenya) is doing in the heart of the Rhonda slums in Nakuru. The Rhonda slums has a very high rate of HIV/AIDS in Nakuru. We cater to the children's primary needs: food, water, health, and education.
Brique Photography, Colour
Kids Plays That shot was took on Vienna-Austria in a public park close to a Palace. Lot of people relax and kids playing some juggling as those with a little ball. They have fun and feels free in that field. I use a Fuji damaged camera... Originally jumbo size. August 2003.
Latin Photography, Colour