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Submissions (76)

Thumbnail Title Description Artist Medium Rating
aforster Photography, Colour
A leaf Glamour...only a human characteristic?
awaqeel Photography, Colour
Dismantled Leaf
catzpaw Photography, Colour
Leaf falling from a hazelnut bush
eszter Photography, Colour
Leaf Decoration (Textile) This Textile work show the Africa culture especially in Nigeria this Leaf Decoration in textile tell us how the tie and dye work is well recognise in Yoruba land so the leaf arrangement make it well balance and well nice to the Africa people and also the white people aslo love to wear the Africa cloth like Tie & Dye.
femlad Ink, Brush
The Dried Leaf on an Old Wood Gedsc digital camera found this dried guava leaf and place it on an old flat wood.
Tags: eyselpeyt, tiged, nature photography
heifezi Photography, Colour
Banana Leaf In my front yard; just thought it had beautiful color.
ilovebobmarley86 Photography, Colour
Leaf This is another one of the quick sketches that I created while brainstorming logo ideas for an upcoming conference.
jenergy Painting
Banana tree leaf and fruits
kwessy Photography, Colour
Flyleaf This is a print that I did as a tribute to the band Flyleaf. They are a Christian band that I admire. This year the singer, Lacey Sturm, left to be with her family. There is a new singer but I still miss Lacey. This is a tribute to her amazing songs that she wrote and performed without shame.
labellasorella Print