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Submissions (13)

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glitter flower2 Using sugar and ink to create abstract painting of flowers to me makes the painting sweet!
preparingglitter Mixed Media
Litter Advert
phunkyhippie Photography, Colour
Litter Advert
phunkyhippie Photography, Colour
Litter Advert
phunkyhippie Photography, Colour
Showroom, Glittering Consumerism Powell Street, SFO. on 25th night '09. The bay area economy is down. The retail season could not do well...Showrooms, outlets, stores was not hiring on Christmas, which is supposed to be the retail bonanza; employees are usually busy dealing customers but this year it's not all that fuss...People are not buying. Shops are leaving no scope to...
mews Photography, Colour
Don't litter Artist(s): Aideth Vasquez Organization: Fundación Internacional de Niños Olvidados Youth participant Aideth created a number of images examining the issue of littering and waste in her community.
Tags: in focus, high quality
ayv Photography, Colour
Don't litter Artist(s): Aideth Vasquez Organization: Fundación Internacional de Niños Olvidados Youth participant Aideth created a number of images examining the issue of littering and waste in her community.
Tags: in focus, high quality
ayv Photography, Colour
Save the polar bears by not littering. The polar bear here is starving. There is no ice anywhere near him. I can protect his habitat by not littering, since it all ends up in the ocean. One way I share my indigenous knowledge of the land is by telling others what I notice, but it is just as important to listen to elders.
AlisonSpear Drawing, Pencil-crayon
Save the birds Birds make you smile, let them live for a while.
Tags: pollution, animal, bird, save, planet, earth, red, brown, gray, purple, colorful, litter
hakob_kojoyan Mixed Media
Don't Litter Kids for Kindness
Rebsmoon Drawing, Pencil-crayon