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Submissions (13)

Thumbnail Title Description Artist Medium Rating
Mamas For Obama Obama Mamas. Mamas who love Obama.
clarita Computer Graphics
Mama, I'm Burning Our masked self.
Ooma Drawing, Pastel
The Mamas (1999) 'Acrylic on Canvas.' -KD
Keina Painting, Acrylic
JURI Photography, Black and White
La ciudad de Purmamarca Esta foto la tome desde arriba del cerro al que me subi y lo que se ve es la ciudad de Purmamarca
julianprofeta Photography, Colour
RoMamaMia Roma... in every street there is someone who whistles in your ear... but I will not tell what Roma says...
Ceren Photography, Colour
Pachamama mother Earth Author: Tamara Caminos
ayv Photography, Colour
Iglesia de Purmamarca Esta foto es de la Iglesia de Purmamarca, esta hecha de cardon por dentro.
julianprofeta Photography, Digitally Manipulated
Municipalidad de Purmamarca Esta es la municipalidad de Purmamarca y esta frente a la plaza del pueblo
julianprofeta Photography, Digitally Manipulated
Ìyániwùrá Mother; as precious as Gold.
Tags: iyaniwura, mother, mama, care, feeding, doshand, dosgallery
DOS Photography, Digitally Manipulated