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Collections (4)

Thumbnail Title Description
mind mapping
20110324_Mind Map
Memories of a Rejected Mind "Come to the edge, he said. They said: We are afraid. Come to the edge, he said. They came. He pushed them and they flew."
Something in my mind !

Submissions (32)

Thumbnail Title Description Artist Medium Rating
Mind Runner \'The third in a series of three, depicting the escape from ones own mind. This harrowing image explores the horrors of mental realness\'. -JMc
Jarra Computer Graphics
The mind's eye. An excitement This peace of art is meant to let the takingITGlobal memebers know that kenya is a land of its kind and What do you do when you get there? This is where you realize that the wide-open spaces are not just a figure of speech but a reality.
Oenkei Computer Graphics
What happen to our earth-Mind Map
Mandy1117 Computer Graphics
In my mind Digital illustration. Photoshop 211,4 x 100 cm December 2011
NAKATA Computer Graphics
Mind of Inclusion by Ramya My drawing is about the mind of inclusion. This shows the thoughts, feelings, and emotions that go through a human mind. In the background it represents a sense of abstract, which in my case relates to real life. In the mind it hopes to be included just like a rainbow, a rainbow represents all the colours in a unique and different way. My...
TIGstaff Drawing, Pencil-crayon
Équilibre L'inspiration viens simplement du fait que pour moi le bien-être est un équilibre entre la tête (représenté par le cerveau) et le coeur (représenté par le coeur) d'où la balance entre la tête et le coeur. Ensuite j'y ai rajouté des roses, symbole de la beauté, de la vie, de l'amour et qui représentent pour moi les idées, les solutions, la...
Tags: Équilibre, coeur, mind, balance, réflexion, pensée, amour, passion, esprit, bonheur, heureux, heureuse, paix, tranquilité, bien
Amira16 Drawing, Pencil-crayon
Mind of State Political will of the few against the many.
elmoreart Mixed Media
Mind Power Digital illustration 175,9 x 124,2 cm March 2011
NAKATA Mixed Media
BODY+MIND+SOUL= " I " Every one tries to under stand this world and be great and be happy, often he fails and be miserable. If one understads his bodysepratly from mind and soul and keeps them all the 3 in good health he will be most happy man with WISDOM.
Tags: my three faces
crgujjar Mixed Media
When the Mind and Heart Disagrees
coco6t2a Painting, Acrylic