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Submissions (19)

Thumbnail Title Description Artist Medium Rating
Monsters These are extensions of me, they are like my children in the sense I created them and gave them names. They play music like I do and they listen to what kids have to say just like I do.
durkay Cartoons
MONSTERY 101 Melo And Pong Pong
Tags: cartoon, monster
2me Cartoons
Monsters on the sea The pollutants in the sea are the monsters threatening life under water. Humans are the indirect monsters! Art by student of Suncity School, Gurgaon, India
Tags: save water, climate change, Suncity School, india, global warming, save earth
clannapurna Drawing, Crayon
Marine debris monster. Hundreds of species worldwide are affected by marine debris, and as much as 80 percent of that litter is plastic. Beautiful creatures die each year from being entangled in or swallowing marine litter. People should stop polluting the ocean because they depend on it.
Tags: Decarbonize, climate changes, ocean, plastic, pollution
sjflynn Drawing, Pencil
Sea Monster My artwork seemed from a project at a Decarbonize conference, where we were asked to decorate our shirts like enviromental protest signs. My shirt is meant to spread awareness about the pollutants destroying our beautiful oceans. In mythology, monsters are always serpents or krakens, but the real monster is the plastic trash that is...
Tags: #decarbonize, ocean, savetheseas, plasticpollution.
Savetheseas Markers
Monster Tomato at University Monster tomato - no modified foods.
onurbaser Photography, Colour