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Collections (6)

Thumbnail Title Description
Global Youth Murals, 2010 Project For guidelines to participate in this annual art contest, contact Visit to learn more about what PTPI is doing to promote Peace through Understanding.
Global Youth Murals, 2002 - 2005 Projects For guidelines to participate in this annual art contest, contact Visit to learn more about what PTPI is doing to promote Peace through Understanding.
Global Youth Murals, 2006 Project For guidelines to participate in this annual art contest, contact Visit to learn more about what PTPI is doing to promote Peace through Understanding.
Global Youth Murals, 2007 & 2008 Projects For guidelines to participate in this annual art contest, contact Visit to learn more about what PTPI is doing to promote Peace through Understanding.
Global Youth Murals, 2009 Project For guidelines to participate in this annual art contest, contact Visit to learn more about what PTPI is doing to promote Peace through Understanding.
Millennium Development Goals Mural Project Alberta Council for Global Cooperation, Change for Children Association and Taking IT Global hosted a mural workshop in Edmonton for youth around Alberta with the theme of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Thirty youth and volunteers gathered to paint a mural for each of the eight MDGs.

Submissions (38)

Thumbnail Title Description Artist Medium Rating
Colectivo Muralista y fue a esa edad... llegó la poesía. No sé, no sé de donde salió, de inverno o río. Homenaje a Pablo Neruda a 35 años de su muerte. Colectivo Muralista
efraimneto Photography, Colour
COLORINDO MEUS SENTIMENTOS neste momento só pensei em colorir o mural com um coração de amor
Tags: coração, mural
ElizabethCampos Photography, Colour
MINHA AVENTURA Quero navegar pelos mares da vida.
Tags: pintura, mural, sonho
ElizabethCampos Photography, Colour
Mixed Media Mural In our Middle School classes, we created a mixed-media mural on climate change, organized by S-T-E-A-M. We shared this mural in a community showcase inviting families and younger students to learn more about the topic.
Tags: climate change, Agents for Change, environment, nature, sustainability, ecofriendly, #savetheplanet, #zerowaste, earth, sustainable, green, recycle, Decarbonize, #plasticfree, SDG, sustainable living, global warming, climate action, trees, ocean, pollution, reuse, art, conservation, wildlife
plomando Collage
kranikh Ink, Pen
Mural de los Pesqueros Esta foto es de un mural de los inmirantes pesqueros de La Boca
julianprofeta Photography, Digitally Manipulated
Mural de Minujin en Aeropuerto Esto es un mural de Minujin, significa algo asi como los mitos de la historia fraccionados como la mente del hombre
julianprofeta Photography, Digitally Manipulated
narnia's mural Caspian book from Narnia film
fgiusepp Painting, Acrylic
Organization for Youth Empowerment (OYE) Mural 3 One of many murals painted by OYE Honduras students at schools throughout El Progreso, Honduras. This particular mural represents the hope for improvement of Honduran society that education provides.
alexyoungblood Painting
Organization for Youth Empowerment (OYE) Mural 5 This is a sketch of a mural planned for the OYE office. This piece comments on the extreme violence currently plaguing Honduran society.
alexyoungblood Drawing, Pencil