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Submissions (116)

Thumbnail Title Description Artist Medium Rating
cybermutante 3D Graphics
Night Journey, نزهة ليلية
ruba Collage
Las noches campesinas que queremos/The peasant nights we want El artsista en rasgado de papeles de colores expresó las noches apacibles de los campos de Cuba donde se refleja el cuidado del medio ambiente/The artsist in tearing of colored papers expressed the peaceful nights of the fields of Cuba where it is reflected the care of the environment
danielbb Collage
Kir night
Slob Computer Graphics
Kirishi Night
Slob Computer Graphics
the city on the night This is a picture which I have made in a paint program.
aberova Computer Graphics
City Nights
jpetree Computer Graphics
Midnight Beauty This portrait is a play on the beauty that sometimes arises out of shadows and darkness. The dark atmosphere serves to emphasize the light in her. The very same darkness and shadow can have many interpretations...
Tags: portrait, woman, midnight, dark
cosmoanu87 Drawing, Charcoal
Modern Starry Night For this project we were to take a well known piece and make it our own, or more modern. I put a city in place of the country landscape to show how cities have grown and evolved.
kerbear139 Drawing, Pastel
Blue Sweet Shoot A Young Ballet Dancer in the revelation of spotlight, limelight in a blue american night
Tags: limelight, ballet, rat, dancer, young, girl, blue, night
ReneBrichaux Drawing, Pastel