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Collections (8)

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Her Portrayal - Paintings By Amber Worsfold
Nude paintings Nude oil paintings
Russia: Paintings
Paintings of nabakishore Nabakishore Chanda's paintings seem to emanate form the earth itself despite the intricacy of lines that seem to dominate them.The prstine quality of the faces that emerge from the lines startle us with their freshness which reminds us of vernal showers at times.On the other hand ,a sense of mystry seems to tease us out of thought as we...
religious paintings on eggs and wood Originaled in northem Bucovina (Romania) a region where the paiting of Easter eggs has an old tradition I bring an aditional beauty and novelty conceming these creations by transfering the religious images on the egg shell.The technique I use is the same as the wooden byzantine icons.
religious paintings on eggs and wood Originaled in northem Bucovina (Romania) a region where the paiting of Easter eggs has an old tradition I bring an aditional beauty and novelty conceming these creations by transfering the religious images on the egg shell.The technique I use is the same as the wooden byzantine icons.
Paintings and Drawings by Bret Satten
Abstract Paintings

Submissions (16)

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Ode to serenity Ode to serenity : (water colour on paper, 21" x 29") The archetypal womanhood as conceiver and giver of life is presented in its completeness. The peace completeness and tranquility inherent in the creativity and nurturing quality of womanhood pervades the mood of the painting.
Tags: water colour, paintings
nabakishore Painting
5446 Painting, Acrylic
Which Future Would You Prefer? This painting presents the same young girl in two different scenarios; the first in a future where society has taken on sustainable practices, and the second in a future where business has continued as usual and the human race is suffering the consequences: climate chaos.
Tags: green, wind turbine, electric car, life boat, tornado, neglect, disaster, saviour, society, flood, storm, snow, sunshne, waterfall, sustainability, environment, youth, landscape, love, nature, global warming, climatechange, children, art, paintings, stillife
Chelmo Painting, Acrylic
Urban Sisyphus Urban Sisyphus (acrylic on canvas,30”x24”,$850) —-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—- Greek mythology here helps to reflect the urban man struggling upwards with the baggage of illusion, ambition and failure.
Tags: modern art, contemporary art, paintings, acrylic
nabakishore Painting, Acrylic
Competition Competition: (Acrylic on canvas,26"x24") Many figures and energies jostle in this painting, seeking to establish their identity and importance in space limited in extent -- a picture of modern life.
Tags: paintings, art, abstract paintings
nabakishore Painting, Acrylic
Indefinitely Oil on canvas 60x45
Tags: art, culture driving, paintings
KD73 Painting, Oil
Ladie in blue Oil on canvas 60x45
Tags: art, culture driving, paintings
KD73 Painting, Oil
Innocence Oil on canvas 120x70
Tags: art, paintings, painting
KD73 Painting, Oil
Hand Oil on canvas,120x90
Tags: art, paintings
KD73 Painting, Oil
Paolo and Francesca Oil on canvas, 120x90
Tags: art, paintings
KD73 Painting, Oil