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Collections (1)

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Consumerism and Pollution Sometimes we buy new goods without paying attention to whether we really need them or not. We don't look at how long they might last, which country they come from or the environmental consequences of manufacturing these goods and how they are disposed. Creating new goods means new factories that need to be built whose operations can create...

Submissions (188)

Thumbnail Title Description Artist Medium Rating
Heat at 6 pm in Tema. 6 pm on the greenwich meridian in africa may be hotter than an american summer. Climate is a determining part of the global phenomenom of life. It determins the color diversity of citizens of the world. Picture of the skies of Tema in Ghana. Look through it, perhaps beyond it and feel the heat.
Tags: environment, nature, sustainability, climate change, Decarbonize, SDG, global warming, climate action, pollution, art
chakablazy Photography, Colour
mountain respite The steps to the top of the mountain, the climax of life, are displayed by each stroke.
Tags: environment, nature, climate change, earth, sustainable, green, Decarbonize, SDG, sustainable living, global warming, climate action, trees, mountains, pollution, art, conservation, wildlife
tigcagigi Painting, Acrylic
Jaipur Lake Palace pollution Unfortunately Jaipur Lake in Rajasthan is now very polluted. The rise in population has increased pollution in this place making the water of the lake a health hazard.
sharka Photography, Colour
Environmental Pollution This picture shows land, air and water pollution in Garki, Area 10, Aguja. The people in the picture are local food sellers preparing their food in the polluted environment.
kperaikyer Photography, Colour
"Boom - Our Tree" Depicting the pollution that we exhaust everyday, the cars, the factories, and the weapons of war, and how they destroy our world.
Tags: bomb, tree, pollution
timlam Painting, Acrylic
"Boom - OurTree" Depicts the pollution that we cause with our advanced weapons of war, destroying the world we live in. The "caution" tape shows the point at which we should be aware of and not pass.
Tags: tree, bomb, pollution
timmylam Painting, Acrylic
El cambio está en tus manos Creator: Yamila Blanco Yamila's work has to do with pollution and how we are the ones to change the future we're giving to our youth.
Tags: pollution, earth
dagf2312 Photography, Digitally Manipulated
Aba Market My image show a market area been affected by the climate change in aba-my community and it also speak about the climate change effect that hit my community which mostly affected the markets and business premises ,which now brought about inflation, low income, and poverty in my community. And cause our livestock to suffer different diseases and...
Tags: climate change, health, livestock, community, environment, sustainability, earth, sustainable, Decarbonize, SDG, sustainable living, global warming, climate action, pollution, reuse, art
victoreke Photography, Colour
'Save Water'- Rap song Fourth grade, Suncity School, India. Our enthusiastic Fourth graders went live at the India Water Week to spread the message of water conservation. They used art and rap to deliver a powerful message to everyone about saving water.
Tags: india, Suncity School. Clean, green, environment, pollution
clannapurna Mixed Media
Creations from e-waste Art by students of grades 3,4: Suncity School, India One man's trash is anoher man's treasure...Stopping e-waste from polluting our surroundings.
Tags: india, Suncity School. Clean, green, environment, pollution
clannapurna Mixed Media