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Collections (2)

Thumbnail Title Description
Power of Education Successful Education is the implemented Education! The only time to realize the power behind Education is when you put it into practice. How then can Law student realize his potential as a great lawyer when he sits around and does nothing about it? How best can a writer enjoy the work of writing when he is too scared to make a step? The point is...
The Power of Media Imagine a billboard at the busiest intersection in the biggest city in the world. Every day, millions of people walk by and see it. This billboard has the power to communicate, connect, open minds, change opinions, and plant seeds for positive action. This billboard is a form of media: the means through which most of our opinions and...

Submissions (76)

Thumbnail Title Description Artist Medium Rating
Knowledge is Power this is titled as a result of the ignorance of the boy about educational background.
Tags: may chieu
waleadesokan03 Painting, Watercolour
We still have the power to choose in which side we want to live! If we do the right thing we can save our planet and live symmetrically with nature.
Tags: brazil, brasília, Tupi Guarani, ClimateChanging, airpollution, droughts, floods, saveourplanet
ingrid2209 Photography, Digitally Manipulated
The power of black excellence As part of urgent inc i wanted to show and give light to black women and what they do. This picture represent how black women can overcome anything and won't let nothing come their way no matter what.
Tags: F.A.C.E Urgent Inc.
kERV29 Photography, Colour
Climate Change and Our Powerful Hands My artwork tells that if we do not avoid doing bad things to the earth it will be destroyed. My artwork shows and tell us that the future of our mother earth is in our hands. It is up to us if we will take care of it to last it forever or we will destroy it by polluting and suffer consequences like climate change.
kielreyes Drawing, Pencil-crayon
Empowering a Brighter World In my artwork, this young girl from a BIPOC background is seen happily floating in the sky holding balloons that contain her vision for the world that she aims to reshape. She is wearing a rainbow dress, symbolizing her identity as a 2LGBTQ+ community member. The balloons represent my vision for a greater world that all politicians should work...
catherinewang10 Computer Graphics
Power of Speech As a way of promoting equal right and freedom, right to speech should be given adequate consideration without any sence of inferiority complex as experienced during colonial era in Africa. When Africans were being wantonly punished for what they did not do. But now (in this present age) the whole world should embrace freedom of speech as a way...
waleadesokan03 Painting
Mind Power Digital illustration 175,9 x 124,2 cm March 2011
NAKATA Mixed Media
Reclaim power NVDA against the coalfire powerplant powering Washington DC.
Tags: powershift09, reclaim power, activism, police
Liamjod Photography, Colour
Organization for Youth Empowerment (OYE) Mural 3 One of many murals painted by OYE Honduras students at schools throughout El Progreso, Honduras. This particular mural represents the hope for improvement of Honduran society that education provides.
alexyoungblood Painting
Organization for Youth Empowerment (OYE) Mural 5 This is a sketch of a mural planned for the OYE office. This piece comments on the extreme violence currently plaguing Honduran society.
alexyoungblood Drawing, Pencil