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Submissions (13)

Thumbnail Title Description Artist Medium Rating
Dreams for Women 1 Featured in the International Women’s Museum, the Dreams for Women postcard art project has attracted worldwide attention and interest, garnering media attention and submissions from as far away as Japan, Germany, Brazil, France and Los Angeles. The Dreams for Women art project asks women and men of all ages to depict their hopes and dreams for...
Tags: young, women, girls, skin, colour, racism, dreams, dreams for women, antigone
areaume Collage
Jokes are funny - Racism isn't! In my school there is a lot of diversity, so I created this poster to make people think about racial jokes that are made before they laugh!
Computer Graphics
RISE UP One-by-one and one after the other we rise and stand up; say yes to what will change things around us and influence us for good. Therein, i use different colours associating with primary colours while representing our diversity. The hands up therein too, is a sign of our choice (our minds made-up to settle for this course). The butterfly...
Tags: racism
dayogreats Computer Graphics
Racism Author: Mark Anthony Castillón Ore Organization: Blue Sparrow Text reads: No to discrimination of small people, let's change our attitude. All people are equal, say No! to racism.
ayv Computer Graphics
Stop Racism! This I drew not to long ago.
erikstalhammar Drawing, Pencil
Love Music: Hate Racism
phunkyhippie Mixed Media
We Are Against Racism!
Islomitotti Photography, Black and White
Racism Artist(s): Emmanuel Silva Organization: Asociacion Uruguaya de Difusion del Español como Lengua Extranjera Description: The topic of this video is Racism. It was selected by Emmanuel Silva, who wants to show us how people discriminates black people. He wants to tell us some things related to racism, and some photos with black and white...
ayv Photography, Colour
Racism Emmanuel Silva is the creator of this piece. He wants to make us think about discrimination and prejuices. This picture intended to make people whom discriminate once in their lifetime, rethink about that.
Tags: discrimination, racism, people
dagf2312 Photography, Digitally Manipulated
Racismo [Racism] Text reads: "No to discrimination against people less powerful than you. // Let's change our attitude. // All people are =. Say NO! to racism. Mark Anthony Castillón Ore - Blue Sparrow Huancán, Huancayo, Perú
Tags: racism, inequality
bluesparrow Photography, Digitally Manipulated