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Collections (4)

Thumbnail Title Description
Community Red Cross Youth Helping in times of disaster
Shattered World This painting is about humans destroying Earth. The glass represent Earth where it is being destroyed by humans as we are cutting trees and polluting. The shattered glass symbolizes that it will be difficult to fix Earth.
Fundred Help make safe the lead-contaminated soil in U.S. cities that puts thousands of children at risk for severe learning disabilities and behavioral problems. Draw your unique Fundred Dollar Bill, upload it to the Taking it Global Fundred Collection Center, and be part of the solution to eliminate the devastating effects of lead-contaminated soil...
Sinai, the Eastern Desert, and the Red Sea This exhibit is dedicated to the Sinai Peninsula, the Egyptian Eastern Desert, and the Red Sea region.

Submissions (301)

Thumbnail Title Description Artist Medium Rating
Desert Canyon Redux. Upstream from the original image. Also later in the day. Sometimes you need to see reality from the opposite side for the real beauty to come out.<br /> <br /> - - -<br /> Pred.
Predattack 3D Graphics
Matterhorn Redux There's something about that peak that makes it seem enormous, perhaps its the sky, perhaps its the haze. But whatever it is, there is something in this picture that emits a sense of splendid nature.
Predattack 3D Graphics
Oasis Cove Redux. Something gold. Something blue. Something pretty.
Predattack 3D Graphics
Sheltered Oasis One scene of 12 renderings in a recent rendering experiment of mine. View the whole experiment @
Spadrick 3D Graphics
the whispered information It shows the tension of the whisper in the silence
ivicamarkovic 3D Graphics
Colored World
BA 3D Graphics
Protect and recover endangered species This is Annika and Vicky's collaboration. protect and recover endangered species is also kind of the way to save the world.
Cindea 3D Graphics
Nalanda's Reduce, Recycle & Recover projects I have used internet as a source of inspiration to build my ideas for the art work.
clannapurna Cartoons
Cyber Predators 2006- I hope, I can Cyber Predators 2006 How do you protect yourself against people who want to cause you harm? I want to learn more about the styles of life and training of children to get skills in painting of the fine arts in North America (I'm the artist, student).
Alis15 Collage
Inspired by Rothko 1 Inspired by Mark Rothko -- but digital from concept to creation.
derekmartin Computer Graphics