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Collections (9)

Thumbnail Title Description
Jackie Robinson NYC - Script Writing
field trip to Sungui Buloh Wet land Reserve, singapore
Field Trips and Activities
Our Trip to the Brooklyn Navy Yard
My trip to Athens Light is shed on the attitude the Greeks had toward war and battle by the characterization of the god of war, Ares, and the goddess of battle, Athena. The Greeks hated the god of war and depicted him as a bully and a coward, while showing Athena as glorious and virtuous. Unlike the Romans, who glorified Mars (the Roman name for Ares) because...
Trip to New York
Road Trip Sometimes the most fun thing in the world to do is to simply take a day-long roadtrip. These are photos I took on a drive Aaron and I took through St. Catherines, Ontario, Canada.

Submissions (64)

Thumbnail Title Description Artist Medium Rating
Drip irrigation saves water Riego por goteo para ahorrar agua
Tags: water
CarlosChiu Painting, Watercolour
Grape Vine Wallpapering the Peripheral
Karis Photography, Black and White
Golden Ripples 1 - Melbourne, Australia, February 2003
Jarra Photography, Colour
Golden Ripples 2 - Melbourne, Australia, February 2003
Jarra Photography, Colour
Lake Erie - Sky Ripple - Ontario, Canada July 2002
Jarra Photography, Colour
ID - Filmstrip digital photography
GlassAngel Photography, Digitally Manipulated
Mariposa azul Durante el viaje a las Cataratas del Iguaz
mm Photography, Colour
Mariposas Se pueden observas dos mariposas sobre una de las barandas que hacen al camino de pasarelas en las Cataratas del Iguaz
mm Photography, Colour
bdbmagic Print
bsz55 Markers