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Explore our free educational programs and capacity-building resources that help educators foster deep learning competencies through real-world problem solving.
MM Hamouda Ahmed MM Hamouda Ahmed Hamouda Ahmed Hamouda Ahmed MM Hamouda Ahmedhttp://ping.fm/QmUuE
Picasa Web Albums - magedhamouda70
Photos by magedhamouda70
LINKS with pictures of all the research by MAGED HAMOUDA From Egypt
company quality techno seeds
MAGED HAMOUDA : WORKS breeder Field Crops...
Our collective actions serve as the seedlings manifesting the blossoming movement of climate action. These seedlings grow and nourish to fulfill the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. In brief, climate justice does not only revolve around the environmental spectrum, but it also roots out to socioeconomic, political, and...
human, seedlings, sustainable, development, climate justice, collective movement
We are the children of flowers
One morning I woke up from a beautiful dream in which I heard a song that was sung to me by people who lived on the water in a wonderful place. It went like this:
We are the children
the children of flowers
flowers from a special seed
They fell out of heaven
down to the ground
and we were born from the...
The pictures were taken in the city’s Karura Forest and on the slopes of Aberdares Mountain range Kereita Forest in Kenya. A total of 3,500 seedlings were planted on the two tree planting sessions towards the billion tree campaign. The ICRAF staff and Huruma village residence planted 2,500 seedlings in Karura forest while the UNEP staff together...
The variety of food in this world is amazing .. but even more amazing the natural products that we consume! . This picture is a sample of the beauty of the nature and how we take it for grant. Enjoy!
Evaluation of seed kits is impartial sought after to try to particular grade new. In some circumstance back to the leading and principal fact emergency seeds of the journalistic, it is understandable and sure to elasticity and rebound the desire and pleasure seeking of survival seed bank an eagerness as they had a garbed and ethical variety and...
seed, kits
( A M o m e n t of S t r u g g l e )
Sculpture Title: Holocaust (a moment of struggle)
"This Captivate art of miniature sculpture that I have created is a fantasized through imagination that never occurred in reality".
Medium: Clay, Paper Board, Acrylics sheets, Wood and Wires.
Comment about Subject:
This piece of Art is design in...