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Collections (7)

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Stories From Syria Due to the rise of a critically urgent issue concerning refugees in the Arab world, communities needs to come together to address the humanitarian crisis. As a way of showing support and encouraging solidarity we invite you to share your stories from Syria through creative artwork (Images or videos). These visual representations will not...
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Russia: Fantasy Studio, Samara Муниципальное образовательное учреждение дополнительного образования детей Центр детского творчества «Радуга» Нефтегорского района Самарской области направляет для участия в конкурсе художественных работ «Россия глазами молодежи» следующие работы воспитанников студии изобразительного искусства «Фантазия» (руководитель Дьяконова Светлана...
Psychedelic Road Signs As part of my AS Level Exam, I chose to look at road signs. My initial idea was to create signs influenced by the Pop Art Movement of the 1960s - Andy Warhol, Roy Lichenstein style. However I thought that was kinda predictable and not that exciting. So I decided to scout for books in the library and came across a Psychedelic Poster Art book...
West Coast Wimsy Shylene loves to work in a "use what you have" approach. She uses recycled materials found along her path, as well as local driftwood from the beaches of Vancouver Island. Check it out at her site

Submissions (191)

Thumbnail Title Description Artist Medium Rating
Myth of the Golden Syrup
Drawing, Pencil-crayon
Water in the Syrup This is an artwork by Susy from Macklin P.S.
Drawing, Pencil-crayon
Diluted Syrup This is an artwork by Tanya from Macklin P.S.
Drawing, Pencil-crayon
Busy Manizales I was impressed of all of the scenery in Colombia, the beauty & sometimes the uglyness. It was different for me, that's why I enjoyed every day being there!
Abober Photography, Colour
Agony & Ecstasy It is captioned 'Agony & Ecstasy' because this salt sculpture reveals the ....
ahjanjua Sculpture
Missy Island Goes Home "Missy Island Goes Home" (-series title image/Ioses/Kykladen/Greek Islands/2004/ digital photo-print/16"x12"/edition of 20) Part of a series of photo-works and mixed media actions. Eco/Loco `personality` based concept characters, such as "Missy Island" and "Country Tramp", present themslves to the world in a range of definitive and...
alexcalledsimon Photography, Colour
ameliavictoriadillingham Photography, Colour
uneasy nite just an uneasy nite with a mess of mixed,complicated,unexplanable dreams.
Angel_on_broomstick Photography, Digitally Manipulated
The Hypocrisy The Hypocrisy
AnichkaButenko Drawing, Pencil-crayon
Bull's Fantasy I painted this a year ago, but I still have it and it's one of my favorites. At that time, I was really into bulls and I added confusing background which was just an inspiration from Paul Signac, a Neo-impressionist/ pointillist.
anna1004 Painting