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Explore our free educational programs and capacity-building resources that help educators foster deep learning competencies through real-world problem solving.
Due to the rise of a critically urgent issue concerning refugees in the Arab world, communities needs to come together to address the humanitarian crisis. As a way of showing support and encouraging solidarity we invite you to share your stories from Syria through creative artwork (Images or videos).
These visual representations will not...
Муниципальное образовательное учреждение дополнительного образования детей Центр детского творчества «Радуга» Нефтегорского района Самарской области направляет для участия в конкурсе художественных работ «Россия глазами молодежи» следующие работы воспитанников студии изобразительного искусства «Фантазия» (руководитель Дьяконова Светлана...
As part of my AS Level Exam, I chose to look at road signs. My initial idea was to create signs influenced by the Pop Art Movement of the 1960s - Andy Warhol, Roy Lichenstein style. However I thought that was kinda predictable and not that exciting. So I decided to scout for books in the library and came across a Psychedelic Poster Art book...
Shylene loves to work in a "use what you have" approach. She uses recycled materials found along her path, as well as local driftwood from the beaches of Vancouver Island. Check it out at her site www.shylene.com
Urban Sisyphus (acrylic on canvas,30”x24”,$850)
Greek mythology here helps to reflect the urban man struggling upwards with the baggage of illusion, ambition and failure.
modern art, contemporary art, paintings, acrylic
The present world is mainly destroying because of Carbondioxide. We are cutting trees and inversely Carbondioxide is killing us.
pollution, air, deforestation
the view from my old apartment in sydney
when the US war ships visited early 2001
there is a funny story that goes with it ask and ill tell.
impressionist, landscape
Malagasy girl learning lessons. So proud that she is having this opportunity to go to school even she is in a rural area. After I got this pic, she ran away and did not come back to the window again. She is still wearing her blouse, blue blouse that every child is wearing at school!! So CUTIE!
acrylic on canvas
"The painting Daisy, for me, is an illustration of a feeling of freedom and contemplative thought. There is an extra wheel in the painting belonging to a missing bike. The viewer may or may not notice this and was meant as a slighly hidden ponderous object that doesn't fit in. Similarliy the stripped square floating on the...