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Collections (6)

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VIDEO ARCADE GAME ROOM AT COSTA RICA'S CALL CENTER Telemarketers and customer service agents may burn out after a period of time. That is a fact. CCC has dropped the standard attrition rate dramatically. In addition, the attendance rate has remained at a relative high for industry call center standards just from the implementation of the game room. Let off steam in a call center video game room....
Waldron Mercy video conference 23Jan15
Allendalle video conference 24Oct2014
Skype Video Call
orangutan videos assorted clips of the orangs in Seattle
Video Game Charas What the title says

Submissions (29)

Thumbnail Title Description Artist Medium Rating
A short video I enjoy getting closer to my son Eitan during his dance lessons, dancing Grease with him was an experience that we will treasure for years to come, we still talk about it. This is the part of the quarantine I enjoy the mos
YouthMedia Mixed Media
Amy's Video has the Bad Oil An article on page 11 of 'The Advertiser' newspaper on 4 April 2011 regarding the destruction behind palm oil plantations and DeforestAction's plan to stop it.
Tags: palm oil, orangutans, deforestaction, borneo, environment, sustainable, forests, deforestation, labelling, project borneo, food
Ames268 Print
APYRE - video games our youth from APYRE drawing what makes them feel happy in life; family, friends, playing video game
YouthMedia Drawing, Pencil-crayon
APYRE - video games Our youth from APYRE drawing what makes them feel happy in life; family, friends, playing video games, dancing, music, rainbows
YouthMedia Drawing, Pencil-crayon
Community Video Storytelling Project Firefighter Alfred This video was created as part of the AYV program at Meridian Hill Pictures. This Spring 2015 semester, 3rd grade students from Mundo Verde Bilingual Public Charter School worked with 3 teaching artists from Meridian Hill Pictures and 3 Mundo Verde PCS teachers to learn about documentary film production with iPads to film short stories in their...
ayv Mixed Media
Community Video Storytelling Project Laura This video was created as part of the AYV program at Meridian Hill Pictures. This Spring 2015 semester, 3rd grade students from Mundo Verde Bilingual Public Charter School worked with 3 teaching artists from Meridian Hill Pictures and 3 Mundo Verde PCS teachers to learn about documentary film production with iPads to film short stories in their...
ayv Mixed Media
Community Video Storytelling Project Nicole This video was created as part of the AYV program at Meridian Hill Pictures. This Spring 2015 semester, 3rd grade students from Mundo Verde Bilingual Public Charter School worked with 3 teaching artists from Meridian Hill Pictures and 3 Mundo Verde PCS teachers to learn about documentary film production with iPads to film short stories in their...
ayv Mixed Media
Community Video Storytelling Project Nora This video was created as part of the AYV program at Meridian Hill Pictures. This Spring 2015 semester, 3rd grade students from Mundo Verde Bilingual Public Charter School worked with 3 teaching artists from Meridian Hill Pictures and 3 Mundo Verde PCS teachers to learn about documentary film production with iPads to film short stories in their...
ayv Mixed Media
Community Video Storytelling Project The Paladinos This video was created as part of the AYV program at Meridian Hill Pictures. This Spring 2015 semester, 3rd grade students from Mundo Verde Bilingual Public Charter School worked with 3 teaching artists from Meridian Hill Pictures and 3 Mundo Verde PCS teachers to learn about documentary film production with iPads to film short stories in their...
ayv Mixed Media
Kigali Video Club
toddlester Photography, Colour