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Collections (1)

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Portugal Views Impressions from my travels around Portugal, a small but very diverse country.

Submissions (11)

Thumbnail Title Description Artist Medium Rating
Beach Views This is a view of the Mediterranean from the beach in Nice. Coming from a place (Canada) where there is not much of a beach culture, this is a trait, shared across the Mediterranean region, that really sticks out for me. Everyone spending really hot afternoons at the Beach - it seems like one place where people of all backgrounds are together.
laurakenyon Photography, Colour
Heavenly Blue The lands of our neighbors.
Tags: country, views, hills
Mezmoreyes Photography, Colour
St Jude School - Protect our Views Lets protect our planet not only because if we don't we'll be affected, also because this planet is incredible and has beautiful views and horizons
Tags: jungle, green, nature, ecological, recycle, protect, animals, pollution, colonization
JuanCrbone Drawing, Pencil