Explore our free educational programs and capacity-building resources that help educators foster deep learning competencies through real-world problem solving.
Explore our free educational programs and capacity-building resources that help educators foster deep learning competencies through real-world problem solving.
Ocean pollution is one of the most serious problems that we face. It leads to the loss of animal species and damages our ecosystems. The trapped whale is a symbol of this.
ocean, pollution, Animals in Danger
I love the peacefulness of Maui ( Hawaii ). Here we were watching for whales in the harbor of Lahaina. All we had to do was watch and wait. Here a baby whale was learning about boats as its mother brought it close to shore. What powerful animals.
The earth is getting polluted also the hydrosphere. We can stop the whales from committing suicide by cleansing the water. So, why don’t we?
ocean, pollution, plastic, waste, whale, animals
Canadian Conservation Corps members Eveline and Elizabeth founded this initiative to bring a new way for people to engage in conservation. They chose the North Atlantic right whale because the issues they face are dire and conservation outreach surrounding the issue tends to be very graphic and leave the viewer emotionally exhausted before they...
whale, conservation, oceans, plastic, shoreline, cleanup, art, action
This is a student's artwork about environmental pollution with human waste entering the ocean and leading to global climate change.
Decarbonize, climate changes, ocean, plastic, pollution
Acrylic on canvas. This mid coast style killer whale is shown surfacing the water and blowing. The face in the whale’s tale resembles that of a human, symbolizing the belief that whales are closely related to humans, as told in the traditional stories of many northwest coast cultures.
whale, ocean, indigenous, pacific northwest coast, first nations, youth, painting, canadian, traditional