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Collections (2)

Thumbnail Title Description
Save Wild Life I am trying to educate people mainly youths on wild life.
Haven and Earth, and wild life in South Africa Haven and Earth, and wild life in South Africa

Submissions (46)

Thumbnail Title Description Artist Medium Rating
Wild Cat's Curiosity Behind these wild eyes lies a mysterious soul that longs for curiosity. Its unspoken question popped out the moment I took the picture.
Tags: cat, wild cat, wild life, curiosity
yousrmostafa Photography, Colour
Wild Creeper This picture is about the environment.
monicanarla Ink, Pen
"wildlife" Acrylic Painting on a Canvas
MansiI Painting, Acrylic
ldahlstrom Painting, Oil
Wild (Portrait of Ruby, the artist's dog) Ruby was fourteen and this portrait was intended to capture the extremes of her personality, which veered between a mania for games and utter exhaustion. Playfulness and freedom of spirit are represented by vibrant colours. To the left, Ruby is depicted awake, but about to surrender to sleep. To the right, she is inquisitive with tilted head and...
caruby69 Painting
Boston12 Drawing, Pencil
Wildlife2 Something you might see on the discovery channel if not native to the land.
Boston12 Drawing, Pencil
Wild Strawberries One of my favorite fruits, but one bite into one of this variety will leave you feeling a bit sour. The bright red in these fruit are amazing placed against the green world they grow in.
dwm376s Photography, Colour
Wild Onion -Rock Lichens I really like the contrast between the flower and grass, and the lichen covered limestone in the background.
dwm376s Photography, Colour
Wild Thing! Daphne with her crazy blonde curls blowing in the wind! :)
ilovebobmarley86 Photography, Digitally Manipulated