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Submissions (15)

Thumbnail Title Description Artist Medium Rating
Co-Salish Wolf Co Salish Wolf
mbickley Drawing, Pencil-crayon
Sea Wolf on Cedar Paddle - By Daniel Acrylic on cedar. The artist incorporates many mid-coast style elements such as the ovoid-shaped eye, profiled paws with s-shape designs to represent claws. The head is an elongated u-shape form-line with joined u-shapes to form the ear, cheek, and mouth. The body is relieved by stylalized trigons, qaudrons and u-shapes.
Tags: sea wolf, wolf, cedar, indigenous, first nations, painting, traditional, youth
yskel Painting, Acrylic
Wolf Les presento a mi perro cuando era un cachorro. Se llama Wolf, es un integrante m
mm Photography, Colour
Wolf (Cuando era un cachorro) Ten
mm Photography, Colour
Battle of Wolf 359 This is a fan art done in Photoshop with over 100 layers. All component images are copyrights of Paramount Pictures.
MattRudawsky Computer Graphics
Wolf The viewer shall now take over in this department....
o0artist0o Ink, Pen
Lone Wolf The piercing gaze of one of natures glorious specimens.
mpgruner Drawing, Pencil
The Three Wolves When I started painting these three wolves, I instantly thought of my mom, my brother and myself, out on the beautiful tundra while camping for the weekend.
Tags: arvit, inuit, art, painting, animals, wolf, family
dankooveanatuk Painting, Acrylic