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Collections (48)

Thumbnail Title Description
Dare to Reshape Our World What visions come to mind when you close your eyes and imagine a better world? There are many things changing very quickly and many ‘problems’ to fix in the world today. Each of these problems also represents an opportunity to engage and shape the future of our communities and our world. Being able to visualize how our world could...
United youth for world peace I am a project coordinator of United Youth for World Peace.
Agents of Change in a Global World Images posted in this collection were prepared by students at York University Faculty of health taking part in the Agents of Change in a Global World course.
myWorld Geography
Communities around the world
Perspectives: Our Communities, Our World In 2011, TakingITGlobal engaged nearly 3,000 youth in 18 countries in creating multimedia pieces about their communities, their issues, their hopes, and their demands. Each media piece is unique and has a distinct youth voice. Some call for action, while others call attention to an issue. Some tell stories about a community, a person, or a...
myWorld Geography
World Leaders
All for peace in the World! We all want peace in whole World!
myWorld Geography
myWorld Geography
myWorld Geography
change the world. if you want to change the world . first you should have change for your self .
Roland Jackson agitates that The fight for a better world. peace talk is a great weapon Roland Jackson agitates that The fight for a better world. peace talk is a great weapon Guns into the sahara desert belt, who sponsored the rebels for years, was the money robbed by rebels and terrorist has been use as scholarship, these weapon are they traced to the 47 round code once own by Osama bin ladin. does these weapon comes in through...
myWorld Geography
myWorld Geography
myWorld Geography
myWorld Geography
myWorld Geography
myWorld Geography
myWorld Geography
One World How I wish for the whole world become one without discrimination. I love it.
myWorld Geography
myWorld Geography
Water World 2 The need of water will soon force us to start saving water and using it wisely.
Water World The need of water will soon force us to start saving water and using it wisely.
World Class Staff Room Members
my world i have many colors pleas let's follow my world
Canada World Youth Learning Forum October 2010, Montreal, QC TIG attended the Canada World Youth Forum and we had a great and enriching experience! Youth from around the world congregated to discuss how organizations serving youth could better integrate and include youth. This included identifying barriers and creating solutions to access to resources, bridging the gap between youth and engagement, and...
The World Colours Display of my appreciation for diversity through my own original works.
Shattered World This painting is about humans destroying Earth. The glass represent Earth where it is being destroyed by humans as we are cutting trees and polluting. The shattered glass symbolizes that it will be difficult to fix Earth.
World Vision Youth Ambassadors
World differences This picture displays the good and evil temptations of the world.
4th World Youth Congress A collection that celebrates the 4th World Youth Congress which is being held in Quebec City, Canada during the month of August (2008).
World Youth Day [University Caf Welcome to the World Youth Day University Cafe! We will feature a relaxed venue where host regions from around the world will present discussions, music, drama in order to highlight the student and campus reality of that region.
Russia: 'I Paint My World and Give It to You' На протяжении пяти лет в г. Новозыбкове, Брянской области проводится фестиваль детского и юношеского художественного творчества "Я рисую свой мир и дарю его вам". Сайт фестиваля: Организаторы этого конкурса: общественная организация "Радимичи-детям Чернобыля" г.Новозыбкова (Брянская область)...
Cultural Expressions Around The World Over 25,000 highschool students from across Ontario attended the Youth Empowerment Event held at the Skydome on Thursday April 5., a not-for-profit youth online organization, was one of the outstanding volunteer associations and booths at the event. Submissions from a contest the showcase team developed, entitled...
Native American [includes all indigenous from around the world] An art exhibit of my indigenous inspirations.
Art of the world.
Snapshot of my world
World truth Man disclose his World
The tiny little pieces of the world These are just the pieces of the world surrounding me. Caught by accident, they are often the only remnants of what my eyes got to see...
My world of ...
Heal the world ...of her wounds and scars.
Canada World Youth I participated in a Canada World Youth cultural exchange program in 2002-2003. With this project, and attaining school in International Development, I got the chance to meet some really wonderful people. Thank you Camrose, Alberta and Sri Lanka.
My Art World Its all about what i personally think about people and nations and fantasy!
The Natural World Views of Nature
World Monuments & Corners Human civilizations builded spaces to rest or enjoy what their skills compete with the magnificence of nature. Besides, in any corner that our people were designed have a particular spirit of how their citizens traduce It in costumes or atmosphera. This is the main trade mark that our people left to the world.

Submissions (451)

Thumbnail Title Description Artist Medium Rating
3-D Waterworld Waterworld is the first in a series of 3, 3-D images recreating an underwater scene using Form-Z (a 3-D imaging program). A.G.S.
amity 3D Graphics
3-D Waterworld 2 This is the 2nd of a series of 3 underwater architectural images, also done in Form-Z, dealing with exploring different settings of the 'digital world'. A.G.S.
amity 3D Graphics
Midday at the corner of the world. Thought of what midday must look like at the corner of the world. Thought it must look something like that.<br /> <br /> What do you think it looks like?<br /> <br /> - - -<br /> Pred.
Predattack 3D Graphics
Colored World
BA 3D Graphics
WorldView I
ricarci 3D Graphics
Mothership Gaia World Tree Island This is World Tree Island on Mothership Gaia. Episode 1.0 of the myth begins here. The portal is the place where the Dreamer exit the rainbow tunnel from Earth when they go to sleep. The three Pyraspheres are dedicated to Religion/Spirituality (middle/Sun), Science (left/moon) and Art (right/Earth). A Pyrasphere is a transformed symbolic...
Mothership-Gaia 3D Graphics
World AIDS Day 2013 The Youth in Search of a Cure Concert 2013 - Unified Hearts Youth Ambassador Ronan - for more info
Tags: ronan parke, axel javier, world aids day, unified hearts, united kingdom, united states, florida, orlando, oprah winfrey, ellen degeneres, hiv, aids, global, zebra coalition, idignity, place of comfort
AxelJavier 3D Graphics
Thousands of cats and zero care in the world Life doesn't matter when you've got thousands of cats.
globalgallery 3D Graphics
Save World Hunger At least it gets the point across, world hunger is one of the biggest problems that many families face and are afraid to face. And I want people to know that I do care what else is going on in the world.
Tags: world hunger
Janay Cartoons
saving for a better world There's alot of poverty , illness , corruption ...etc the world that we live in today We see people ( women , children , men ...) die everyday because of : -lack of food ... -suitable drinking water ... -being sick and unable to get treatment because of poverty or they got money but treatment is just too expensive ... -kids with out...
Tags: stop world hunger, saving, better world, poverty, hunger
YebaSalliue Cartoons