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Submissions (1626)

Thumbnail Title Description Artist Medium Rating
Landscape of Canada
elena Computer Graphics
A Human Document 'This is a digital image using photoshop & ImageReady. The piece is a documentation about my life, expressing my inner most feelings & experiences at age 22.' A.G.S.
amity Computer Graphics
Sometimes Life is a Struggle sometimes life is hard, frustrating, and a struggle. Here I used a picture of one of my co-workers on a hard day and a scrabble board. This was edited in Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. BlackCat Bonifide 2001.
BlackCat Computer Graphics
Digital Junk 'A digitally munipulated photograph. Inspired by the beauty you can sometime discover in a pile of junk.' A.G.S.
amity Computer Graphics
Twenty-Twelve (Leaves) A cold, clinical future meets the warmth of nature in this stark design piece. Leaves promises a hope for a future where trees still stand.
Jarra Computer Graphics
Twenty-Twelve Futuristic graphic design piece aimed at creating feelings of confusion and insecurity. Twenty-Twelve depicts the uncertainty of a mechanical future.
Jarra Computer Graphics
Fire Runner The first in a series of three, Fire Runner is an experimentation with flames and reflection. The flames were painted digitally.
Jarra Computer Graphics
Number Runner The second in a series of three, it
Jarra Computer Graphics
Mind Runner \'The third in a series of three, depicting the escape from ones own mind. This harrowing image explores the horrors of mental realness\'. -JMc
Jarra Computer Graphics
Gumnuts and the Inner Vision Inspired by the work of Eric Valric, I exchanged my brush for a mouse, creating a self-portrait with a difference. Gumnuts is a combination of photography, brushwork, 3D modelling and digital manipulation.
Jarra Computer Graphics