Explore our free educational programs and capacity-building resources that help educators foster deep learning competencies through real-world problem solving.
Explore our free educational programs and capacity-building resources that help educators foster deep learning competencies through real-world problem solving.
Education, western or,and indegineous
remains the strong tool to freedom of humanity
it spans through ages
like a sage's footprints as the mark of time
from hieroglyph on scrolls
to sight and sound on digital renditons
the world is free
and the entire humanity liberated
from the hinges oppressions and depressions...
Everywhere farmers are leaving their traditonal realms and looking for other job options. They're leaving farming, and I wonder who would replace farmer Jorge.
Well, I did this work on Halloween day. Like with that feeling of something scary in the air. I know this work might look poor. My scanner is not all that a beauty, if you know what I mean. Anyway, I respect my works, at least for the little or no time I spent doing it. Thanks!
Peace and love!
This is my garden. My garden can be compared to our own minds and everyones unique way of thinking and being colorful. Our different cultures and traditions create a beautiful master piece of a garden. Symbolizing growth and new ideas, my garden will soon take over the dry sand and create a wonderful landscape. Be prepared!
This piece of work is to demonstrate racism within Canada. Although people claimthat discrimination does not exist here, racism exists everywhere. As some individuals distance themselves from others due to ethnic racial or religious reasons.They believe the difference between themselves is clear as black and white. The flower represents pieces...
We had to create ‘Pinwheels for Peace’ at our school, and we were asked to draw on one side of the pinwheel what we thought peace looked like and on the other side we were to write out words that described what peace meant to us. My art represents all the countries together on surrounded by the harmony and nature of the ‘Mother Earth’.
peace, equality, earth, issues, culture, world, differences, together, bond, sara minaeian, nature, environment, mother earth