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Submissions (2161)

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If art can save the world, I want to paint the daisies, not the drought! Natural habitat of many species has been destroyed by people. We are building factories, buildings, bridges, roads… There is no water, no soil, no clean air. We can’t find trees and simple flowers in our gardens. However, every spring brings us a chance to turn a new leaf…I want to help save nature by telling all people in the world: ‘’ Think...
globalgallery Photography, Colour
If we're going to miss something about nature, it shouldn't be art. Our beaches and seas are in danger. People have been polluting air, water and land. The colours of nature are vanishing. Microplastics are one of the most common types of litter found on beaches. Pollution destroys unique beach habitat needed by animals and plants. It’s time that we said ‘No!’ as our future is in our hands. Which memory would...
globalgallery Photography, Colour
Literacy Day! Educate the world to bring change.
khadijakiran Markers
Teachers spread knowledge They say the best teachers are those who have once been students themselves.
khadijakiran Drawing, Pencil
Teachers build future Whenever in doubt, ask a teacher because Teachers give the gift of education.
Tags: #BlendedLearning
khadijakiran Drawing, Pencil
Feel free and educate This picture depicts that “An educated woman is one of the most powerful forces on earth”
Tags: #womenempowerment
khadijakiran Drawing, Pencil
World Teacher's Day The purpose of this art is to depict that the world needs Teacher's
khadijakiran Drawing, Pencil
Celebrate it today! A child represents the good on the planet
khadijakiran Drawing, Pencil-crayon
Teacher For Life! There is no craft more privileged. To awaken in another human being powers, dreams beyond one’s own; to induce in others a love for that which one loves; to make of one’s inward present their future; that is a threefold adventure like no other.”
khadijakiran Drawing, Pencil
We Are Here! A day to remember why we’re all here. Childhood is the most beautiful of all life’s seasons. Celebrate the future – today!
khadijakiran Drawing, Pencil-crayon