My Hero Canadians
This is a collage put together by me to be dedicated to Canada and my favourite Canadians. Social Studies and Art are two major influences in my life, and two major inspirations to my work presented here. I have chosen several of my favorite influential figures in the history of Canada to be put on my collage. Of course there is countless number of great figures but I’ve chose the most prominent ones that I feel very proud of. This poster include Sydney Crosby, David Suzuki, Tommy Douglas, Don Cherry, Rick Mercer, Roberta Donar, Lester B. Pearson, Jack Layton, and Thomas King (in order from left to right top to bottom). They are from different backgrounds and they represent the diversity of Canada. They each have done great contribution to Canada and its citizens in different ways. Whether it’s literature, entertainment, sports, politics, or international relationships. They gave me pride as a Canadian, and whenever I hear their name I feel proud to be a Canadian.
I do not own the photos on this poster. I’ve taken it down from Google, but I have done all the designs and the pen drawings on the top left and bottom right corner. This is for the contest Defining Moments.

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