My Dream City and the Vision we need to Deliver presented by me.avi
A 'sustainable city' is MY DREAM CITY -- as it is organized so as to enable all its citizens to meet their own needs and to enhance their well-being without damaging the natural world or endangering the living conditions of other people, now or in the future.
As a student and environmentalist, I clearly understand that climate change, urbanization, economic growth and globalization are the four linked phenomena that are responsible for the great adverse impact that our planet earth faces today.
As a planet we are living beyond our means.
This is a cause of great concern as the resources of mother earth are getting depleted and polluted to a great extent.
We have to move towards a Green Economy that safeguards the Earth and its people for generations to come by wise acts and Sustainable development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs- WE FACE THE CHALLENGE!!!
 The foremost challenge is to adopt more sustainable lifestyles and educating our local communities.
 We must adopt a lifestyle which reduces carbon emission to the minimum.
 There should be a shift from exhausting non-renewable energy resources to the renewable energy resources.
Further, the State should ensure in guaranteeing to its people a quality education, a vibrant culture, good health care, satisfying employment or occupations and sharing of wealth. It should strive to maintain peace and harmony among the people. The State should provide equal opportunities, freedom of expression and cater to the needs of the young, the old and the disabled.
There is also a need to for an effective Waste Disposal Management system which would not jeopardize the natural resources of our Planet Earth.
Last but not the least mankind has a responsibility to live peacefully
I pray to God Almighty that I will be able to see such a Dream City in the near future.
United Arab Emirates
Related Issues Environment
Tags simran vedvyas

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