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Posted on Jan 15, 2014  |   1371 views  

YOUNGEST DELEGATE AT IYF 2012 SIMRAN VEDVYAS SPEAKS FOR YOUTH AND ENVIRONMENT WED 2012 pledge to mobilize youth I am Simran Vedvyas I am a student youth - 13 years old, I pledged to mobilize 5000 youth in June 2012 and I successfully outdid the number way beyond and still ongoing to expand the reach. Traveled to 3 continents (South America, Europe, Asia and Middle East) within a month back to back and reached out to over 120 nationalities ( at Youth Blast and Rio +20 events ) and delegates from 75 nations ( at IYF-2012) and many more worldwide. FOCUS AND DETERMINATION WILL LEAD THE WAY FOR THE GREEN FUTURE WE WANT On World Environment Day 2012, I pledged to mobilize 5000 youth and spread the word of Sustainable Development and the Future we want. I traveled to Rio de Janeiro for Youth Blast, Rio+20 and UN CSD preparatory meetings and side events as presenter and Speaker to fulfill the purpose. I traveled back and within a day I traveled to United Kingdom and carried the London Olympic Torch, the media releases including radio and press/print carried my views. I got back to Dubai and attended the Annual Prize Day Ceremony in my school and within a day I traveled to India to attend the International Youth Forum 2012 trying to achieve same purpose. I fulfilled my pledge and beyond. I STRONGLY SAY IF A STUDENT OF MY AGE CAN DO THIS ...I CHALLENGE MANY CAN STEP FORWARD AND BE THE CHANGE-MAKERS AND LEAD THE WAY TO THE FUTURE WE WANT Summary- MOBILIZE PEOPLE -- MOTIVATE- PARTICIPATE 1. On World Environment Day 2012- Does your (June 5tH, 2012) Green Economy Does it include You! Participated and also won for my contribution to the environment. 2. Traveled to Rio De Janeiro within a day on 7th June to attend Conference of Youth for Rio+20 (aka YOUTH BLAST) -June 10th -12th, 2012, the official UNCSD event for the Major Group Children and Youth with over 3000 youth from 120 countries because WE ALL SHARE SAME CONCERN, Interacted and became friends with many youth, many also followed through social networking sites. 3. Speaker at UNEP Stage -Simran Vedvyas Eye on Earth Youth Ambassador speaks at during UNCSD RIO + 20 with special focus on Eye on Environmental Education on 14 June 2012 4. I traveled to United Kingdom and carried the Olympic Flame during the London 2012 Olympic Games this summer as it journeys across the UK. I was the youngest and one of the only six chosen from United Arab Emirates and nine from the entire Gulf Region. The press and Media releases not only highlighted this as National News but also shared and helped me reach out and mobilize thousands of readers for Environment and Sustainability. 5. Over 2000 students of my school followed me and my work and it was even included in my Principal's annual report and I was awarded during the Annual Prize Day Ceremony. 6. At International Youth Forum 2012- over 550 delegates and speakers witnessed my presentations and speeches. 7. I am connected with nearly 1000 people and many youth groups and I am regularly posting environment and sustainability messages. 8. Through Twitter I am tweeting and also my followers and supporters, especial mention -- eye on earth is very supportive I proud to be associated and appointed as- Eye on Earth Youth Ambassador-(an AGEDI, Environment Agency Abu Dhabi and UNEP supported initiative) UNEP -TUNZA Eco Generation Regional Ambassador Middle East Earth Charter Youth Group Country Activator- UAE Ambassador Connect for Diabetes- Raise your Hands for Africa and Middle East Spokesperson and Ambassador Cosmo Foundation (an NGO with Education Initiative) India and UAE Ambassador Cartoona Club and Student Member Emirates Environmental Group, Dubai- UAE Peace Ambassador Emerging Futures Youth Network Children of the Earth Chapter Leader United Arab Emirates and India (Northern) International Youth Council- Chapter Coordinator Dubai Member Water Youth Movement Member Communications Task Force Group UN CSD Major Group for Children and Youth. Environment Club Prefect, Best Buddies Prefect, Arabic Club Head Girl and Senior School Student- The Millennium School, Dubai- UAE

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