Amazing PokhariChour!
This is scenary that is captured from Mahendra Devbani Primary School in 2006 by my frined Cameroon Brooks from Australia.This School is about 10 minutes walk from a Mayatari, Syangja district. The River that is visible in this picture is "Adhikhola". The small island like hill in the middle of the river is a sacred holy place which is worshipped as "Kalika Devi". Also there is one school which is visible in the picture , the school name is Kalika higher secondary school. Both of these schools are government schools.
Adhikola is a one of the most popular river for its fish,pure water and rafting in Nepal. 'Mayatari' is the place from where the ICT revolution movement in Syangja district started by establsihing the foerst commmunity information center in Syangja District.
This photo is taken while Cameroon and I were in Mahendra Dev Bani Primary School for ICT awareness for the students and the teachers.
MediumPhotography, Colour
Related Issues Culture Human Rights Technology

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