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I wanted to add a note to this! (( please rember when you look at my art! everything I make.. is free hand ! and I dont look at a picture or model. unless stated! I am untrained but I love art in... read more I wanted to add a note to this! (( please rember when you look at my art! everything I make.. is free hand ! and I dont look at a picture or model. unless stated! I am untrained but I love art in all forms.. I have sold my good stuff! I have carved softwood.. but as a artest I would have to say the best thing I do is clay. I have found that I am better at form than really having the tec to draw. thank you!for looking ))) I am A Disabled homemaker. stuck out in the middle of a nowhere desert lol. That loves to create art/ stories / or invent things. (LOL sounds so Dumb ! )I think I am Just trying to Find a creative reason for my life.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MY POEMS--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dare not to criticize the dreamer. for there lies the threshold of mankind! -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I THE DREAMER Bare the intolerance of this mortal realm. that will not GLIMPSE of who I am! To them I say. shall you know me? if you see me from afar? or listen to my words? Shall they become part of your soul? or be cast aside ? or shall my feelings spoken within this mortal realm "even" give a glimpse of who I really am? Of oddities and men. I am but passing through. Yet I AM. Therefore I am the dreamer. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHERE IS YOUR LOVE? I AM ! the lord your god! I was before the beginning. and shall be after the end. I created the heavens and the earth. and all living creatures. I made a place full of goodness. I filled the earth with surprises, shining stones, minerals, caves, coves, shells, towering trees, mountains, fields, the pounding sea, I made all plants and animals. and I made man. like little children they would play and laugh as they tamed the animals I gave them. or smile with delight with every new discovery they would make. like a child in their wonder at every shining stone under the ground or to find a shining star in the heavens above. I was vary happy as there father. and loved every heart felt praise they would share with me. it made my heart happy to share ALL I could with them! all I ever hoped for ! was their love! for all that I gave them. and to love me as their father. I tried to walk with them. but suddenly they changed! they avoided me and no longer called me father! they said the world was theirs. and started destroying all I had created for them. they said this is my life! and they didn't need me! and hurt and killed each other ( acting as angry children do. not thinking of the end results. ) I sent my profits to tell them I still love them. and how much I wanted their love. but they laughed at them and killed them. finally they no longer believed in me ( it hurt so bad! ) so I sent them the best I have ( MY MOST BELOVED SON ! JESUS ! ) surely they would listen to him? but they wouldn't. they rejected him , cussed at him , spit on him , and beat him to a pulp. and finally they crucified him ( MY SON !! ) I was so angry I wanted to destroy it all! but my son said FATHER FORGIVE THEM . FOR THEY KNOW NOT WHAT THEY DO. so I gave him the power to decide who is mine. for he has felt their pain. and can rightusly judge their hearts. so now they have had the best of my love and ( ALL ) I had to give. SO I ASK> WHERE IS YOUR LOVE ?

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