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Posted on Nov 11, 2020  |   2368 views  

I have made this film cause during the Quarantine and the start of Covid19 my situation and the situation of most refugees was not passing in way to protect ourselves and our environment. We was all eating together setting . Going outside coming holding from one door handles was all this very difficult and I was very worried of my family health. I am girl who is 16 years from Afghanistan it's more than 3 years I am living under migration status and I have experienced many thing living in park, streets, squat in front of camp . But I always tried my best to stay active and never give up . I am a refugee girl who: I am a young poet my poems had been published in two magazines. I have joined poetry events and get new experiences . I am a young filmmaker I have made three short films, I am taking my shoots and then edit it . At October 2019 I have joined Athens democracy forum as a young refugee to report how important is it the voice of young generation. During my live in Greece I was in charge of a group of women from 8 countries to teach them knitting, making bracelet and earring and of course with the help of Greek community we managed to open a Handcrafts Bazzar to sell their staff which they made it . I have experienced of teaching Bracelet and earring in one Greek Organisation in Exerchia for around 8 months. I have given so many speeches about refugees and right of refugees. I have experience of doing some activities with one Feminist group of women in Athens that was all Greek women we had some activities opening some events, Bazaar, demonstration and speeches . I have experiences of translating in one Magazine I have translated two issue of one magazine from Dari and Farsi to English. I have done many presentations in Greek school in Greek organisation in Greek Radio live program and in some more places.

Aryan | 16 | Athen | Greece

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