Volunteerism Has Many Faces
Volunteerism has many faces, many colours, many forms and expressions; it’s a borderless and multi-shape stream nourished by solidarity, enthusiasm and sense of commitment; many hands and many voices, many ways to be active and creative, many people who help and many people to be helped, many wall breaking down and bridge building up, and only one common talent: get involved being this world a better place. Volunteerism is all about passion. Interpret in a photo the one and the million sense of volunteerism. The relevant shots will be showcased in a Photo Exhibit hosted by United Nations Volunteers (UNV) Philippines, during the Fair of Volunteerism on December 3-5, in Intramuros, Manila. UNV will produce also a catalogue of the exhibit and award the best pictures voted by the public. This contest closes on November 19th 2004