Wings of Change
Wings of Change will encourage young people to find their political voices and provide them with the opportunity to be part of a larger movement. The project combines principles of pageantry, theatre and collective artistic expression to deliver messages directly from young people to the halls of political power. Wings of Change is a project of the Canadian Youth Climate Coalition The Canadian Youth Climate Coalition is working to combat the worst effects of a changing climate, transforming our generation into the change that we need to see in the world. This project attempts to overcome the overwhelming, and disempowering size and scope of challenging unjust government policy and corporate interest. The fight for climate justice is a struggle for our generation, as it is our shoulders which the weight of dealing with past and present mistakes will fall on, but too often this struggle seems monumental. Wings of Change is a project that combines climate change education, with action and empowerment, part of a project to transform Canadian youth into agents of change. We have trained young people from across the country to facilitate, in both official languages, a series of interactive, skills-based workshops that link the hard science of climate change to practical, community based alternatives and strategies for collective action. We plan to reach over 10,000 youth with our Wings of Change workshops. At the end of the workshops, participants will be asked to use words and pictures to represent the kind of Canada that they want to be living in 20 years from now - these representations will be featured in this gallery set. Find out more at: