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Posted on Aug 6, 2011  |   34668 views  

it brings a smile, a feeling of peace and innovative thinking for our future. the feeling of seeing the stars seeing how beatifull you are inside joy peace health and matter the situation this picture will always remind people that there will always be hope , that they should never give up on anything. the rainbow represents variety.the human race is a variety of culture , language people and so on and also represents peace and health. and the stars represents the future we are going towards the future and a lot of thing are going to chang e and we all have top be ready for that. ghhgklfgk jglkjglkfg jgfkndfslgfdfs kjgfd gfighdmgfdfs gfidfgn dshnfsdhfhsd jkdsd ksdasd jksdasd sdasd asddsd asda sad asda asda asdas asda asda asdasd asdasd asd asd asd asd sadf sd asd asd asd asd asdf asd asd asd as d as da sd asd as d as da sd sa das das d as das d asd asd asd as d asfd asf d fd f sdf sdf sd fsd fs df sdf sdf sd fsd fs df sdf sf sd fsd f sdf dsf sd fsd f dsf dsf sdf dsf ds fds fds fds fsd fsd f dsf sdf sdf sdf ds fsd fsd f sdf sdf ds fds fsd fsd f dsf df ds fsd fsd f dsf dsf sd f df dfdsf sd fds f dsf dsf sd fsd fd sd f dsfdfs fgsd fg df ds fsd fsd fsfd sd fd sdf sd fsd dbfsdnfkdsfdff fdg fg sdfsd fsdf sdf sdf sdf sdfs dfs dfs dfsdfds fgdfsdf dfsd f sdf f sdf sdfsd f sdf sdf sdfs df sdf sdf sd f dfgd g fdg dfg f hfd g fdg df gdf gdf g dfg df g dfg df gdf g dfg


MediumComputer Graphics

Related Issues Media Culture Health Education Peace & Conflict Technology

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Tags rainbow stars galaxy

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