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Grandpa and Me

Posted on Dec 20, 2011  |   2428 views  

My artwork reflects my Canadian identity as it represents the connection that exists between youth and the elderly. Last year, I moved in with my Grandpa, a WW2 veteran who was having a hard time giving up his independence to lung cancer. I lived with him and my Grandma for 8 months, helping my Grandpa battle his lung cancer while still being able to live in the comfort of his home. During my stay with him, I realized the importance of the Canadian Healthcare System and the support with allowed my Grandpa to stay at home for as long as possible. I also realized how important it is to connect with those who are older than us. Living with my grandparents, I learned about life during the war and the Great Depression. It is important to learn about such events as I feel it made me a stronger person. I value what I have a lot more now and have learned to respect those around me and assist them when I can. My Canadian Identity has been influenced greatly by my Grandparents. If it weren't for them, I would not have grown to respect and appreciate the country in which we live. It is through my Grandpa's eyes that I was able to understand the profound experience he endured, fighting for this country. All in all, my Canadian Identity is the product of past events, people, and creations. I am happy to say that my Canadian identity is the product of my stay with my Grandparents.


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