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alzheimer's series 1-4

Posted on Jun 25, 2011  |   1989 views  

text: "alzheimer's series # 3" physical laws... the last years of her long unrequited life were encapsulated by a malodor, an admixture of urine, dust and perfume....................................... anger, with merit, [ as much as an emotional masochist deserves,] albeit foolish in the exponential, had her deferring to imagined “gods”, [ are there any other ,?] via fear and desperation, [ cause and effect never had a more classic example.]......... regret, now a mold suffocating what is left of her worn soul, [ the price of cowardice is much more costly than the price of courage.]... i can do little for her now, [ no matter how much i do.]............ i constantly and consciously retrain myself to be aware of that... i absorb her unintended bitterness, attempting to deflect it back with positive projection... yet there are emotional laws which equate with physical laws... i imagine that is how the atom “felt” before it was split...

United States

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