A Polluted World - Just a Memory of our Future
I painted this the night of August 19th, 2009 after reflecting deeply about what our earth could look like in 50 years from now if humans do not act immediately and with urgence to preserve the precious environment. This painting depicts a very toxic, polluted world that I envision if the human race fails to act to successfully combat ever more pressing environmental issues such as climate change, water, air, and land pollution.
This painting really isn't supposed to be a painting that one enjoys when they look at it. Truthfully, it is supposed to look ugly and disgusting, and not an enjoyable sight. This is the purpose of the painting, for the observer to feel displeased and angry by the sight of a polluted world, and to encourage them to do whatever they can make the world a better place, one green act at a time.
I envision a world where environmental concerns come first. I envision a world where people act green. I envision a world where we, as a global society can learn from our environmental mistakes to prevent catastrophe. I hope that this painting is NOT a memory of our future.
Ecological Footprint of this painting: This painting was created using environmentally-friendly acrylic paint. The brushes I used are around 5 years old, so I have tried to conserve resources in that way. The canvas is also reused from a previous project. When I paint, I try to be as ecologically conscious as I can, by using just as much paint as I need to and just the right amount of resources. I really try hard not to waste resources such as: too much paint, using new brushes, and using entirely new canvas when sometimes it is not necessary.
By: Andrew Wong, Canada
MediumPainting, Acrylic
Related Issues Environment Health
Collections Imprints Art Contest Collection
Tags environment pollution climate change global warming polluted green eco smokestacks catastrophe life memory future prevent ugly dead fish toxic toxins poisonous painting acrylic anger landscape sludge