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Collections (2)

Thumbnail Title Description
Dan Pimental Risk Management Align financial services group is the financial close and reporting processes with detailed operational planning​, creative team of young proud ceo experts working together on new strategy. To align financial services groups are skilled at developing and implementing financial strategies. Align financial services group focuses on serving...
Group 4 - Tianna & Jordan - Faith & Deanna

Submissions (216)

Thumbnail Title Description Artist Medium Rating
Quest for an ID Book, The Story of Sesana Jenneth Mkhawana is a Community Health Advocate working for TAC in Mopani District under Dan/Nkowa-Nkowa area. She is assisting Sesana Seoka, who is using a wheel chair to apply for an ID Book. Because she is applying for this without a birth certificate, no short cut, she have to start by applying for birth certificate. This is called Late...
Tags: tac, mopani, id, certificate, health, advocacy, home affairs, dan, nkowa-nkowa
AdamMalapa Photography, Colour
ARTISTIC TENDANCY This piece is all about the media pressure forced upon women in everyday life. The suffocating Gender Roles which are still so stringent in our Media thirsty society. But most of all it is about my personal rebellion against having to conform to such old fashioned and materialistic ideals.
ameliavictoriadillingham Collage
Happy Ramadan
amjadz Photography, Colour
Dem mo Hanoi dang kieu thom
Angel_on_broomstick Mixed Media
Tags: oil on paper, 16*12
ASIMAMJAD Painting, Oil
Traffic in Ramadan This painting describes the traffic in a poor district of Cairo, in the month of Ramadan, a while before sunset, where people are overcrowded, hurrying to their homes to catch "iftar" (i.e.breaking their Ramadan fasting).
aymanelhakea Ink, Pen
Abu Qerdan birds "Abu Qerdan" is the most well-known Egyptian bird. It lives along the Nile Valley, as well as in the scattered oases. The photo shows an Abu Qerdan standing on a small isle in the Nile River, near Aswan.
aymanelhakea Photography, Colour
Abu Qerdan Abu Qerdan is the most famous rural bird specie in Egypt. This aerial photo taken from an air balloon shows a rice filed with a flock of Abu Qerdan birds roaming around. (Luxor 2006)
aymanelhakea Photography, Colour
Pandas in danger of Extinction Artist(s): Sofia Marquez Organization: Asociacion Uruguaya de Difusion del Español como Lengua Extranjera Description: I did this job because I care about the animals in danger of extinction, especially the pandas, because their home is actually being threatened. Their home destruction affects the pandas because their principle food is...
ayv Cartoons
Making the Next Mountain with Lucille Danes Lucille is 86 years old and loves life. In her film she shares a story about flying with her husband, a bush pilot. Lucille had the controls and thought that going up and down quickly would give them a thrill; she did just this and scared the daylights out him! She encourages young women of today to get an education and go into a field that they...
ayv Mixed Media