Abia Climate Effect
Climate change effects on human health is a global experience but this year climate change affect me and my family and our livestock which comprices of goats, hen , dog and fishes, so severely that my family of five members got ill of fever and malaria which have been by the increase breeding of mosquitoes and insects in every area in my state due to change of weather into raining season that cause fill-up of gutters, pot-holes , bushes, etc with water and dirts.
Not only that we suffered of sickness by mosquitoes and insects we also together with other people in country we suffered of flu, cold virus, nasty stomach virus etc, which cause certain changes to our voices, dryness at our faces and silk, weakness and less energy in our body due to the harshness of the weather caused by harmanttan haze .
Dr lanre onigbogi a Nigeria doctor, said that harmanttan comes from Sahara desert and because of desertification of the desert, it surely has its bearing on climate change and health impact on the people and living object. “As soil becomes hot, malaria organism rise up and find human body convenient and because of poor resistant by the human body, different kind of sickness will set in,” he said. Nigeria being one of the countries expected to be most affected by the impacts of climate change
through sea level rise along the country’s 800 km long coast line, intensified desertification, erosion and flooding disasters, general degradation that has now become a common sight .
As said by climate experts that global warming may bring some localized benefits in certain areas, but the overall health effects of a changing climate are likely to be overwhelmingly negative. Climate change also affects social determinants of health such as clean air, safe drinking water, sufficient food and secure shelter.
In my community Abia extreme heat or high air temperature and pollution contribute directly to death from cardiovascular and respiratory disease in human and our animals .

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